Monday, September 12, 2022

Lakes Virginia and Mizell

 Finally, back on the water. I had gone a day without kayaking.  For the second time in just over a month.  That should not happen until November.

On Lake Virginia at Dinky Dock at 10:11.  After cutting the lawn and not getting a good parking space in the full lot.
Genius Canal

Lake Mizell

See the pinwheel near the anhinga below?  People put those, and other objects on docks to keep birds off.  Not bothering this one.  In fact, it shifted position, so it was directly beneath the left wing

Landed at 11:05.  Had to stop at the computer shop to retrieve my unfixable laptop, then go to work

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Well, I tried to allow Anonymous postngs. As soon as I did, I had the same problem with the same person/spammer posting comments. One jerk spoils it for all. So,you'll need to register to post a comment.