Monday, October 17, 2022

Lake Baldwin

 The latest post Ian update from the City of Winter Park is:
 ====The Winter Park Chain of Lakes will continue to remain closed due to high water levels as wakes caused by motorized watercraft can further damage private properties. Both Maitland and Winter Park Police departments will be enforcing the closure.
  • Fecal bacteria sample levels have returned to normal.
  • Lake Baldwin Park is open and safe.
  • Lake levels will continue to be monitored and updates posted when reopenings occur.

I went to Dinky Dock, planning to launch onto Lake Virginia from the beach.  But, not only are there road construction blinking barricades at the boat ramp, the entire parking lot is roped off.

I went to Lake Baldwin. On the water at 9:18.  There is dog park on the shore. The yapping mutts have a bit less room with the high water.


One of many signs that state, "Human and canine activity attract alligators"  I have yet to see an alligator on Lake Baldwin 

Uprooted tree
Another one

Damaged dock

 Ibis feeding where workers were replacing sod.

The Lake Baldwin lakefront business district has the most damage I have seen locally from the hurricane

Shoreline damage

Landed at 10:17

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