Tuesday, October 11, 2022

Lake Sybelia

From 1992 to 2005, I ran and biked along Lake Sybelia 4 to 10 times a week.  Today, looking for a place close to work that was open, I kayaked it for the first time.  I launched from Lake Sybelia Park at 6:22 PM
I recall looking into launching here before.  Maybe in the aftermath of Hurricane Irma.  There were "No Launching" signs.  They are not there anymore.


Paddling past the Audubon Center for Birds of Prey

31 years in the area, and I have only visited once. I hoped to see some birds through the screens tonight, but all was quiet. If they were removed for the hurricane, there is no mention of it on the Center's website or Facebook page.


On the web at work today, trying to find information on kayaking Lake Sybelia, I read, "trash piles up near the dam"  "There's no dam" I thought.

Wrong.  Something not seen when running or biking on the road along the lake.  Which does not go all the way around.



Homer Hough Park dock.  In my running days, home to the Park and back was 6.7 miles.  Probably still is. 

Headless Muscovy duck 

Landed at 7:14

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