Monday, October 3, 2022

Wekiwa Springs State Park

 Wekiwa Springs State Park had a limited reopening, Monday, after Hurricane Ian.

Limited to walking around the spring and picnic area.  No kayak launching. 
Don't know if the sand is from rain eroding the hill, or the Spring overflowing the retaining wall.

You cannot walk around the entire Spring, as part of the walkway is underwater.

I took of my shoes and walked until it was about a foot deep on the boardwalk.

Standing on the rental shack at the Canoe Beach.  The rentals appear to be none the worse for wear.

3 deer, or one deer, and one pushmepullu near the playground in the picnic area


Small branches and palm fronds.  I am sure the Park staff and volunteers picked up a lot more

.Boardwalks leading to the Spring are clear


Cut branches.

I never knew there was horseshoe pit next to the volleyball court.

It was very peaceful. I saw just 2 other visitors,
On the way out, I saw about 10 deer walking on the Park road, then going down the hill to the Spring

It was dark, so poor photos.  I have never seen 10 deer at a time at Wekiwa Springs State Park.  That is what happens when no one is there for a couple of days, and then a few days with just Park staff and volunteers.

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