Sunday, November 20, 2022

Ichetucknee River, Saturday, November 19

 First stop of the day was Gilchirst Blue Springs State Park

Dropped off my camping trailer.  Next stop was at a friend's home in Three Rivers Estates. Dropped off my bike at her home on the Santa Fe River.
Finally on the water at the Last Take Out on the Ichetucknee River, in Ichetucknee Springs State Park at 10 after 10.
The late start was a good thing, as the morning rain stopped. It was cool, that is why the foot is bare.  Kept the sandals dry, toweled off the feet, and put the sandals on after launching.

Dampiers Landing

Mid Point Landing.  There was one car at the South Take out.  I'll have the River to myself, I thought.  I forgot, most people put in near the spring head and paddle downstream only.  A group of at least 20, many in Adventure Outpost kayaks were the first I encountered. "Hardy group you've got there" I told owner/guide/author, Lars Anderson,
Mill Pond  Spring Run. I thought there may have been manatees here. None seen or heard. 

There were 2 deer

Devil's Eye Spring. Used to be able to paddle into it,

Blue Hole Spring. Behind the sign and fence.

Ichetucknee Spring 11:47

Trail to Blue Hole Spring.

Cedar Spring Run


Blue Hole Spring

Into the Hole I did go.

Also went into the narrow, and shallow, Cedar Head Spring Run. Full of bass. The biggest bass I have ever seen in my life, I saw here, years ago,

1/2 mile walk back to Ichetucknee Spring

There had been quite a few people on the River as I paddled upstream, in addition to the Adventure Outpost group. It was now about 1PM.  I figured the crowds would diminish.  I went down to the dock.  A group setting out.  Guess I can't change into my dry clothes here.  Went up the new ramp.  Crap, another group coming down.   I changed half way on the winding, handicap compliment ramp.  There is also a handicap launch at the dock.   A bit awkward to get a 14 foot kayak into it, but once in, an easy push off into the River.

Missing otter pictures.  I saw a beaver on the way upstream

The Last Takeout
Not for me, not today.  I kept going


The Ichetucknee flows very fast under the US 27 bridge, and picks up speed as it goes under the railroad bridge.  I had to paddle hard and fast to avoid crashing into the railroad bridge.  Back in August, I tried paddling up River here. Could not do it.  I have done it, 2 or 3 times.


Only manatee I saw all day

Entering the Santa Fe River


My takeout. Thank you, Linda D. 

Biking to my car at the Last Takeout.

Gilchirst Blue Spring, and my campsite

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