Sunday, December 18, 2022

Turner River

 Red shouldered hawks were excited that the rain stopped.

A lot of rain fell on the Midway Campground in the wee hours of the morning.

The next several photos are from the Oasis Visitors Center.

I had noticed the birds when I drove past on Saturday, so I stopped on the way to the Turner River.

On the Turner River at 9:17.  Just ahead of a tour group.

Narrow channel is good practice before it gets really tight

This is what I mean by "tight".  A brief opening, then back in the mangrove tunnel

I broke a lot of spider webs

Out of the mangrove tunnel

Back in the mangroves, returning upriver.

A pair of blue jays flitted about.  Not the first bird I think of being in a mangrove swamp

I encountered two paddling groups as I made my way up the Turner River. One led by Chris, of Everglades Area Tours.


Landed at noon

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