Monday, February 27, 2023

Lake Dorr Cabin, Salt Springs Run, Sunday


Morning walk


After a hearty breakfast, I was on the road to Salt Springs.
The first deer of the weekend, crossed the cabin road and went into the Forest.
On Salt Springs Run from the Salt Springs Marina at 10:09. $20 launch fee!  That is just greed.  Even the $10 I paid as an old person is high.

Years ago, I would launch from the Marina, paddle across Salt Springs Run to the Salt Springs Recreation Area campground ramp, and walk to Salt Spring.
Today, I anchored my kayak and snorkeled in. 

Lucky for me, a worker sitting on the wall did not care.


Blue crabs are usually in the spring vents at Salt Springs

Back in the kayak to paddle down Salt Springs Run

Salt Springs Overlook.  A half mile or so from a trailhead on Highway 19.

Large Lake George is just past the palms.  I turned around.  A 90 minute paddle.

"Resume Normal Safe Operation"  For kayakers, more like. "Abandon all hope, ye who enter here"
Lots of powerboats. I think 2 slowed down.  Fortunately, Salt Springs Run is wide

Landed at 2:40
Cars and trailers were parked well down the dirt road to Highway 19.  I had parked close to the water.
Stopped at the Yearling Trail. Hoped to see some Florida scrub jays,

I did

No deer, yearlings or otherwise. Went across the highway to Silver Glen Spring.  Which was closing in 15 minutes.  "It's 4 o'clock"  "Winter hours.  We close at 5, close the water a half hour before"  It's 80 fucking degrees out!  I did not say out loud.
That gave me more time to get the Super Snark out on Lake Dorr
And time was needed. Took 2 minutes to get to the end of the dock

I am so glad the sailboat purchase included a collapsible paddle 

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