Saturday, March 11, 2023

Key West and Geiger Key


 The  day began, watching my great niece in a lacrosse match. 44

I left in the fourth quarter.
Launched at the pond on Fogarty Street. Which, to go along with the pier and boat ramp that was installed a few years ago, has as sign identifying it as "Lake Kilip"

Into Salt Run
Under Roosevelt Blvd

Into the harbor

Nice shuttle vehicle

One cruise ship.  Which is the daily limit.  Although, it is often broken.

My only wildlife photo. Terns on a power pole.  I did see cormorants.

The takeout was easy.
At king tides, water covers the road.

Back to the lacrosse field to watch a great nephew play. Getting low to take the faceoff.  Saw the end of his first game. Had a second, about an hour later.  I did not stick around.
Second paddle of the day was from Geiger Key

The Key West Naval Air Station was active
Hopefully, the pilot briefing includes advising that Fat Albert is one of ours.


Into Geiger Creek


My turnaround point


A few underwater shots

Back in the Atlantic.  I like this paddle because it combines the vastness of the ocean and the narrow confines of the Creek.

Trying to photo the snapper along the channel wall.  I  failed. Manatees also like this deep, dredged, water. None seen today.



I usually stop at the Geiger Key Tiki Bar for a bite.  But I had one more family event.  So, after a pot roast dinner at my sister's, we went to see another great nephew in The Wiz.

The mouse closest to the mouse in the police cap.

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