Sunday, November 9, 2008

Rock Springs Run

For those of you anticipating photos of the Blue Angels, I apologize. The forecast called for a moderate chop on the Intracostal, so I did not watch the air show from my kayak. Instead, I went to the old reliable, Rock Springs Run, for my Sunday, November 9, 2008 paddle. I had to wait for this blue heron to move on before I could launch about 8:50 am.

Yes, it is a "blue" heron, it just needs to grow up to look like this.

I drifted down the Wekiva, to save my strength for heading up Rock Springs Run. So quiet, that two otters were not aware of my approach and surfaced just a few feet in front of me. They scurried for cover in some Fay related downfalls in the middle of the River. I paddled on, nearing the confluence. Noise in the woods on the right. At least 2 deer, one a buck. I watched them move deeper into the forest, unable to get a picture. Into Rock Springs Run, where I was able to get a picture of this doe.

I went upstream for about 2.5 hours, I saw the "6 miles to Kings Landing Takeout" sign on the return. Just 9 paddlers coming downstream. A group camping at Otter Camp. Another group, camping illegally on the high ground up stream of Otter, on the left side. What, they couldn't afford 4 bucks to camp at Buffalo Tram or Big Buck ?

Perhaps I'm being harsh, maybe they are survivors of this.

A few bird pics.

Ibis, limpkin, great blue heron, blue heron and great egret. I also saw hawks, belted kingfishers, green herons and assorted song birds. On the songbird topic, a reader identified a bird I asked about a few weeks ago, one perched on the Wekiva this way, Rock Springs Run thataway sign, as an eastern phoebe

And turtles.

To my surprise, no alligators on a warm, mid-70's, sunny day. I think this is the best time to be kayaking in Florida. Perfect weather, the humidity is as comfortable as the temperature, and the snowbirds haven't arrived. The weather brought a lot of people out on the portion of the Wekiva between the Park and Rock Springs Run. It was packed with renters from the Park and Wekiva Marina. Made me appreciate my peaceful sojourn on Rock Springs Run.

I landed just past 2:30 and dragged the yak up the hill. I am always interested in how others transport their craft.

Despite the crowd on the River, the Spring was relatively empty.

I saw a small crab in the smaller spring, not the one pictured above. First time of seen one here. I took the next picture just because I liked the look of the water flowing under the foot bridge. I did see the turtle until I downloaded it.

The footbridge is the start of the "Wet to Dry" boardwalk, which I was able to walk for the first time since TS Fay damaged it. An armadillo did damage to the forest floor.

Here are paddlers on what I call, "the lagoon" Just off the launch area. A kayaker has just emerged from the River, another behind him, just paddle blade visible.


  1. Happy Birthday Uncle Dave! Hope you're out there with the birds and manatees and fishes today! See you soon,


  2. Thanks Arlo. You know this means I'll have to return the favor on your site in a couple days.


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