Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Wekiva River and Rock Springs Run

I worked 9-1 today, November 12, 2008 then went to Wekiwa Springs State Park. I could not work all day on my birthday. Last year, I went to Crystal River and hung out with the manatees at Three Sisters Springs. I thought of doing it again, but it has been warm the last few days, with overnight lows in the 60's. No reason for manatees to seek the warm waters of the springs. Also, a moderate chop was forecast. Over on the east coast, the forecast was even worse, choppy on the Intracoastal waters, so that ruled out Haulover Canal or the Canaveral National Seashore. I thought Alexender Creek would be a good choice, but decided I will go there Saturday after work. I'll get off at noon, instead of 1:00, so that will give me more time for the longer drive.

So although I was just at Wekiwa Springs and paddled Rock Springs Run on Sunday, I was back today. This time, I did more of the Wekiva then I have in a while. My plan was to go down the Wekiva for an hour, turn around, go up Rock Springs Run, where, perhaps as sunset neared, I'd see deer.

I did.

I launched at 2 o'clock and figured I'd go down the Wekiva for an hour. There were maybe 10 paddlers between the State Park and the Wekiva Marina. At the Marina, 2 infernal contraptions-aka jet skis. I was happy when they got out of earshot. Noisy, stinky, speeding, wake making evil things take away from the ambiance.


A few folks were gathered at the big Indian Mound, including, oh no ! the jet skiers. At least they were not moving. I went on, and a few minutes later, the GRRRRR of the jet skis. They slowed to pass, which I appreciated, but I decided to turn back as they would likely scare away a lot of wildlife. I was ten minutes short of my planned one hour downstream trip.

As mentioned earlier, it has been warm the last few days, and this afternoon was humid. The humidity turned to sprinkles, but nothing to complain about. Unlike Sunday, I did see an alligator.

A small one, that is not a giant turtle stalking it.

I arrived at confluence of the Wekiva and Rock Springs Run about 3:30 and made my way upstream.

This may be my best photo yet of a belted kingfisher. This peripatetic bird presents problems pinning down for pictures.

By contrast, limpkins are sedate, as this one samples a snail.

I was 20-25 minutes up the Run when I saw 2 deer ahead on my left. One, a doe bounded away, the other a regal buck ambled slowly. It is not the buck pictured above. This one's rack was even more impressive. On Monday, a fellow kayaker sent me pictures of a spectacular buck she saw on RSR, I wondered if this was the same beast. Unfortunately, I could not get any pictures to compare.

A few minute later, I did get a picture of this doe.

After I saw this deer, I saw the third, and last, of three canoes on Rock Springs Run. I told them to look for a deer on their right. I guess their timing was bad, as I saw two more deer as I continued up the Run, and the guys headed downstream did not mention seeing any. Five deer in 45 minutes.

Just short of an hour from when I entered the Run, I turned around. Deer number six.

It's possible the two does are the same deer, seen both going up and coming down, but I'll still say I saw seven deer.

I meandered downstream, spotting two ibis on a tree, one immature, with brown feathers. I moved closer, thinking how ibis are the opposite of blue herons. The later start out light and become dark.

I was so concentrated on the ibis up high, I did not notice the big buck below.

Not to mention a blue heron.

At the beginning of this Tale, I wrote that I will go to Alexander Creek on Saturday. As I look at these pics, I think I may return to the Wekiva and Rock Springs Run. This seven point buck may have the best antlers I have been able to photograph, but I know even more impressive racks are out there.

I returned to Wekiwa Springs at 5:40, a wonderful 3 hour forty minute afternoon.

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