Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Sanibel Causeway to Commodore Creek

Monday, December 15, 2008, my final full day at Sanibel. Until next weekend, when I may vi st Friday night through Sunday. Anticipating a larger group later in the week, brother Pat rented an additional condo in addition to his timeshare. I'm staying at the Lighthouse Condominium. Next to Lighthouse Park on the San Carlos Bay side of Sanibel Island. I could walk kitty corner across Periwinkle Way to the other condo, but why not take the scenic route around the tip of the Island ?

Nothing like a morning walk to see feeding wildlife, like the laughing Jack.

On to the paddling part of the day. I broke one of my rules. I went out with the marine forecast predicting a moderate chop. A look at the bay seemed like more of a light chop. I launched from the west side of the causeway just past 11:00. Once out a bit, it was somewhat choppy, but it was at my back. I took it easy heading towards Woodring Point and the entrance to Tarpon Bay. Three dolphins in San Carlos Bay.

Two more in Tarpon Bay as I paddled across it to Commodore Creek and a marked two mile trail through the mangroves and gumbo limbo trees.

Birds in the Creek.

And back on Tarpon Bay

Just one other craft was in Tarpon Bay, an "Eco-Tour" pontoon from Tarpon Bay explorers. They are the concessionaire for the Ding Darling Wildlife Refuge. Kayak rentals are available. I question why an "eco-tour" boat uses gasoline engines.

But it, and all motor boats can't go fast. Best of all, no evil jet skis allowed.

Just after paddling out of Tarpon Bay into the larger San Carlos Bay I took a break before venturing into the waves, now in my face. This was my rest area.

Back in the water, I paddled steadily in darkening skies back to the causeway. Got rained on a little, but saw hope in a patch of blue over the Gulf side of Sanibel Island.

The causeway is three miles long, three bridges and islands. I assume the islands are mostly landfill. I was parked on one of the islands between two of the bridges. The roughest seas are where the currents from both bridges meet. Add the occasional boat zooming by and it can be a bit rough. But soon my car was in sight.

The end of three days paddling in Fort Myers and Sanibel. As noted at the start, I am going back this upcoming weekend. As I left Tuesday morning, a bald eagle flew across the causeway. I good omen for my return.

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