Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Sanibel, Ding Darling NWR

Sunday, December 14, 2008. Day Two of the 2008 Sanibel trip I visited the Ding Darling National Wildlife Refuge. The 6400 acre Refuge occupies about half of Sanibel Island.

It is a world class bird watching spot. Most folks see them from the 4 mile Wildlife Drive. I saw these, yellow crowned night heron, tri colored heron, reddish egret, green heron, great and snowy egret, from the kayak.

I spent four hours paddling mangrove line channels, shallow bayous and the inner part of Pine Island Sound. As I followed this flock of white pelicans, I thought I heard running water.

I looked around for a creek entering the area before realizing the sound was the paddling of 50 big webbed feet.

I only got one photo of a distant rosette spoonbill.

While kayaking.

A bike ride on Wildlife Drive is ok for spoonbills and more.

Did I write the birding is "ok" ? It's grrreat ! To quote Tony the Tiger. Which leads to another thing I saw. Not a tiger, a bobcat. On the bike path on the edge of the Refuge. Wildlife Drive is 4 miles one way, to return to my car I pedaled the paved bike path. I had seen raccoons on the Drive, so that was my first thought, then that's a big house cat, then I saw the bobbed tail before it dashed into the palmettos.

A fine day at the Ding Darling National Wildlife Refuge. And the Packers were winning as I left. Oh well, the conch chowder at the Lazy Flamingo was still excellent, as the sun set on the Pack's slim playoff hopes.

But, just as the Sanibel Lighthouse has stood as a beacon for over a century, The Pack will be Back.

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