Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Sanibel 2009 Day One

Saturday, December 12, 2009. Day One of my annual Sanibel Island trip. Launched at Ding Darling Wildlife Refuge just past noon. I considered launching from the Causeway linking Sanibel to the mainland. Seeing a dolphin in San Carlos Bay reinforced that notion. Seeing to bald eagles on shore at water's edge had me pull over. But, they flew away, the bay was choppy, so I continued to the protected water of the Refuge. Paddled east from the launch, Wildlife Drive screened by mangroves. Looking for the spot where I've seen rosette spoonbills on past visits. Paddled into every nook, cranny and open area. Found my spoonbill, and wood stork roost

I've been paddling the Refuge since 2005. This was the first time the open area at the observation tower was deep enough to explore. Don't know if it was tidal or dike manipulation. Probably both. I paddled about, circling islands,going out into San Carlos Bay, coming back in, paddling along the Wildlife Drive again, than going back into the Bay, reentering a channel into another smaller bay. Lots of osprey.

Time out. I'm very frustrated with this new computer and bleeping blogger. I hate this ffing touch pad. Too gd sensitive to cut and paste pics and put them where I want. F it. I'll just put them all in one spot.

Nothing to exciting. Twice, a large head popped up, no exhale, so probably a sea turtle.

I've posted a few pics on Green Wave http://www.clubkayak.com/greenwave/treports.asp?trip=468 and Facebook. But I 'm frustrated with them all. I may have to give this up. Too much time and little results


  1. I'm thinking we step up the blog with.....video..I understand the necessities and investment involved. basically amounting to battery issues and the additional expenditure for say a camera andwaterproof camera housing..but even say 2 -4 hours9or more) of battery power on a a one day trip would rult in some more in depth documentary work in addition to the stills and writings..hmm

  2. I do have a video or two somewhere in the Tales


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