Sunday, February 7, 2010

Hillsborough River

I had a "Super" paddle today, Sunday, February 7, 2010 on the Hillsborough River. In the River at 9, launching at Trout Creek Park. I was the only car in the dirt lot. The Park was busy, lots of runners and bike riders. The Hillsborough River was serene.

Overcast and cool. I added a long sleeve shirt to the t-shirt and windbreaker I used Saturday on Rock Springs Run. Little wind, a major change from Saturday. Too bad I don't have stop action photography to better catch this pileated woodpecker rapidly pecking.

As usual, I paddled up the Hillsborough.

Water weeds, a problem my last visit to the Hillsborough, had been cleared from the Nature's Classroom area. No issues getting by, water level high.

I saw no one for the first four miles.

Four miles is the distance to Morris Bridge Park.
Still no one in the water, just folks on the boardwalk along the River. I took a break down stream of the main Park area, at an overlook at the end of a bike trail. It's an old logging road, the wood posts of a forgotten bridge are in the water. Speaking of in the water, this is a separate, often wet hiking trail. "No Bikes" indeed.
Finally saw other paddlers. Two red canoes from the local outfitter, Canoe Escape. "You must be the first bus" "We were the only ones on it". A mini school bus takes renters from the shop to the River, Sargent Park, my destination, being the favored launch point, with a pick up at Morris Bridge. A four and a half mile trip.

Cloud cover was thick, occasionally, a sliver of blue appeared, only to be engulfed by clouds.

I thought I may not see any alligators on the gator intensive Hillsborough River. But, just before noon, I spotted one.
Four kayakers came down river, making 6 boats in 8 1/2 miles.

I stopped at Sargent Park, walked around a bit, had a sandwich, then began the down River paddle. Three views of the same tree.

Alligators, last risers, wore blankets

My break came about 12:30. The last renters launch at 2. I wonder if any did on Super Bowl Sunday. An anhinga figures out how to get its lunch down

I hoped to get a shot when the bird flips the fish, catching it head first, to make it slide down easier, but the anhinga moved out of sight.

I saw no one from Sargent Park to the overlook, where an angler who had walked down the trail as I was leaving was still trying her luck.

I'll take a cool Sunday on a empty River anytime.

My only complaint about the Hillsborough. So much wildlife it takes time to post it for your enjoyment

Five kayakers between Morris Bridge and Trout Creek, making 11 other boats on the Hillsborough.

I'll try to list the birds I saw. Anhinga, cormorant, blue heron, tri colored heron, great blue heron, black crowned night heron, yellow crowned night heron, ibis, limpkin, red shouldered hawk, great egret, turkey, osprey, vulture, wood duck, wood stork' wood peckers and more. The only bird I did not see that I often do along the Hillsborough was rosette spoonbill.

Landed just after 4. Got home, an 85 mile drive, unloaded the car, downloaded the pics, made dinner and turned the TV on for the coin toss. No need for hours of pregame drivel. Until next year, when I will hang on every word when the Packers return to the Super Bowl.

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