Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Winter Park Chain of Lakes

Paddled the Winter Park portion of the Winter Park Chain this morning, Tuesday February 9, 2010. Lakes Maitland, Osceola, Virginia and Mizell. That's the Venetian Canal above, connecting Lake Maitland to Lake Osceola. It's been awhile since I've paddled this part of the Chain, April 27, 2009. I was diverted from my southbound course for a minute to watch a fishing pelican. To bad the photos did not turn out. But I got a chuckle out of a fisherman,saying "Gulls, pelican, where are the dolphins?" This is the second, or maybe third time I've seen a pelican on the Maitland half of the chain. But that was not today's trip, so I headed south across Lake Maitland.
Past the cormorant and anhinga rookery marking the Maitland-Winter Park border.

Across the Lake to Kraft Azalea Gardens.

Into the Venetian Canal.

To Lake Osecola. Across the Lake to the Albin Polasek Museum and more wood ducks.

Into the Fern Canal, to Lake Virginia. The bridge is part of my commute to work. I'd rather be under it.

Mallards in Lake Virginia
The Mizell Canal, shortest of the Chain A nice thing about Lake Mizell, a large portion without homes.
15 years ago, most of the Lake was like this, one family owned most of the land. To bad I wasn't kayaking in those days. Lots of homes have been built where none existed Back through the Canal. I think the City of Winter Park needs to put the trash can behind a bush.
Into Lake Virginia and Rollins College, Knowles Memorial Chapel. Paddled along the southeast shore of the Lake, the other side of the home-free section of Lake Mizell.

Return to the Fern Canal.

Albin Polasek Sculpture Gardens

Passing the above cross, I thought, need to take this one for Mom. And said an Our Father, Hail Mary, and Glory Be. Shows what 12 years of Catholic schooling can do. Prayers done, I headed across Lake Osceola to the Venetian Canal.

Into Lake Maitland
Great egrets, and anhingas or cormorants in the background of one photo.

I wrote "anhingas or cormorants" as both roost on the nearby border cypresses.

More Lake Maitland avian life.

And more, with some seasonal color.

And some more.

During the morning, I saw anhingas, cormorants, osprey, wood ducks, mallards, great egrets. Even a pelican. Where are the great blue herons, I wondered. But not for long.

Lots of great blue herons, great egrets, and a wood stork.

Quite the display.

Last pic, belted kingfisher.
I had a very nice, almost three hours on the water. Now, time to plan for the weekend. I'm taking Friday off. Thinking of camping somewhere, but the weather forecast is not good. I've got two days to decide ehere to go.If you don't see a post Friday night, I'm camping


  1. Yakdave,
    That top photo on "Winter Park Chain of Lakes" is absolutely the coolest kayaking pic I've ever seen! Have you put it on Green Wave? I've been away for several months and just now catching up. That pic looks like something created for a video game. Only thing missing is that tree trunk! (just kidding)
    Great site!

  2. Thanks, surfsot. I have not posted it on Greenwave. I saw the light at the end of the tunnnel and thought, "this could be good"


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