Sunday, April 4, 2010

Happy Easter From Blackwater Creek, Part II

After camping in my own bed, I returned to the Seminole State Forest this morning, Easter Sunday, April 4, 2010. A permit is required to use the Forest roads. My camping permit was good for the 3rd and 4th, and even though I did not stay overnight, due to a flooded campsite, I made good use of the permit by returning today to kayak. Forgot to mention in yesterday's Tale, the first animal I saw, on the road to the launch site, was a rabbit. Appropriate for the holiday. The launch area was crowded. Another kayaker was there. Nice guy, offered to help get the kayak. I was on the water at 9:15 and headed down the Creek. Lots of spider webs.

And alligators.

Most of Blackwater Creek flows through a thick forest, even when it leaves the State Forest and enters Wekiva Springs State Preserve. That can make it hard to see wildlife, as it can stay hidden. I saw limpkins, wood ducks, great blue herons, great egrets, red shouldered hawks, belted king fishers and ibis. Only bird photo are ibis

I first heard, movement in the forest, then saw, a deer. Too far off and moved away before I could even think of getting a picture
After being on the water over eight hours Saturday, I took it easy today. Told myself I'd turn back after turn hours, or when I reached the high ground where I took a break, actually 2, up and back, yesterday. Got there in about an hour forty, so I kept going. Now, I told myself, two hours, or until I get a good animal pic, whichever comes first. I missed the photo opp. The same breeding pair, I think, that I saw yesterday. This time, both rushed off the bank into the Creek. I looked at my watch, 11:14. I turned around.

Water moccasin. Could be a brown water snake, but I think its a moc.

No one on the Creek except for the gentleman I saw at the launch. Saw him again on the way up Creek. I landed at 1:10, a nice hour hour paddle.


  1. Hi Dave! You must live close to many different paddling areas to get in "quick" one hour paddles! What is the most distance (miles) you have put in on a single paddling trip? I've paddled up to 6miles within an usual 2-3 hour time frame. Would like to work up my mileage and improve my overall workout. I know some yakers who do up to 20 miles at a time! :-O

  2. Mike, when one lives in the center of peninsula dotted with lakes and crisscrossed by rivers and creeks, finding a nearby place to paddle is easy. I've done 20 milers, and perhaps more, plenty of times. I'm not interested in a workout, my theory is the longer you are out, the more you will see.


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