Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Rock Springs Run

Kayaked Rock Springs Run for the first time in April this morning, Wednesday, April 7, 2010. For the first time in a couple months Tom Turkey wasn't showing his big tail to the hens on the hill above Wekiwa Spring. I saw a lone turkey in the parking lot as I got the yak off the car. Into the Wekiva River just before 8.

Down the Wekiva for twenty minutes, than up Rock Springs Run. Relatively high and flowing fast. My arms are still sore at 10:15 PM.

The Otter camp site was occupied, rare for a weekday. Indian Mound was empty. Saw a deer just past the Indian Mound campsite.
Don't know much about biology

I majored in history

But this doe looks pregnant to me. Apologies to Sam Cooke

Turned around at 9:30, just past the Big Buck campsite.

Saw a couple alligators, a trio of swallow tail kites wheeling about high overhead, ibis, king fishers and woodpeckers. Another deer, too deep in the luxuriant foliage for a photo. Not far away, but the amount of growth is staggering. They say the Intuit have a lot of words for snow. I wonder how many the Timucuan had for green.

Amazing how the mind roams when in a natural place.

I returned to the present day as I saw the first paddlers of the day, a trio in a canoe coming up the Run. Back to the Wekiva, where a school group came down River. And still more people. Before 11 on a Wednesday. Must be Easter Vacation. The gators didn't seem to mind.

I'll have to review the Yak Tales archives, but I don't think I've even seen Wekiwa Springs State Park as busy, on a weekday, as it was this morning. Maybe in the summer time. I didn't even bother snorkeling the main vent during my post paddle, pre work, swim
I'm taking Friday off to paddle a yet to be determined location. Maybe I'll camp. I think wherever I go, it will be busier then I thought. I'll keep you posted.

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