Sunday, July 11, 2010

Seminole State Forest, Blackwater Creek

As mentioned in the close of Saturday's Gum Slough Tale, I was back at the Seminole State Forest today, Sunday, July 11, 2010. I changed things up a bit, going for a bike ride first. I arrived at the Forest at 7:15. Saw some sandhill cranes on the drive in. I almost always see cranes on the side of Highway 46, I did again today, but also saw two in the Forest. Three generations of fishermen were at the kayak launch. They saw a 4 point buck, in velvet, on their way in. I hoped I might see the same, or at least a doe.

No deer during my 10 mile ride. More sandhill cranes. In a section of the Forest I had not been to yet, other than one tine when I drove through, north entrance to south entrance. There are 25 miles of roads in the Forest, so I have a lot more territory to cover.

The open field and wooded pond seem to be prime deer habitat. Maybe another day. This is Sulphur Run.

Sulphur Run flows into Blackwater Creek just downstream of the bridge, Where exactly, I don't know, it is well concealed.

I returned to the kayak launch, where the family continued to fish. The kid asked how my bike ride was. "Fun". I answered another question or two, he turned to his dad and said "he's a nice man". Smart kid.

In the kayak at 9:10.

Only a few gators on the usual log this morning.

I've done enough paddling to know the bubbles above are from an alligator.

A family feud broke out high above me. Three great blue herons squawking, hopping, wings furled, feathers ruffled, over a nest. After five minutes, the home invader was driven off.

The next two pics are of the same anhinga. Looking into the sun (me)
Sun behind me. The trees are one item that makes Blackwater Creek a beautiful waterway.
On the other hand, trees fall, blocking the Creek. The water level has gone down since Monday. I would have been easier to fit under the log blocking the Creek, but the one just in front of it would have been harder to over. I might have tried it, but Saturday's Gum Slough paddle left my arms very sore. Not to mention the alligator waiting for me to tip over. I turned around

I must have had my attention on the other side of the Creek when I passed the baby alligator log, realizing I had passed it just before coming to the bridge and launch site. The anglers had left, another family in their place. I paddled on, to just before the blockage on the up Creek end. Finally, maybe, saw a deer. Deep in the woods, rump and tail. I drifted back for a second look, gone, it it was a deer I saw.

Landed, after a short break at the Moccasin Spring camp site, at 1:15.

1 comment:

  1. Definitely a smart kid. You're plenty helpful with the river advice that you give.


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