Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Seminole State Forest

Yet another visit to the Seminole State Forest. A bike ride after work today, Tuesday, July 13, 2010. I was at the State Road 434 Exit on I-4, the Wekiwa Springs Exit, when I realized I did not have the camera. Went home to get it, hoping getting to the Forest later would increase the chance of seeing large land mammals. I had to settle for rabbits. But I did get a photo of this partridge or quail or whatever this is. Any ID help is appreciated.

I discovered one useful bit of information. The outhouse at the Oaks Campsite is not locked. Not that I had to use it, but it's a good thing to know.

This is a campsite for hikers on the Florida Trail, a 1400 mile long National Scenic Trail.http://www.floridatrail.org/options/Hiking/

I rode 8.31 miles. One pickup truck and 2 other bikers in the Forest.


  1. Bobwhite quail. I'd be ecstatic to find one!

  2. Thanks, Ohawk. I've seen them three times in the last two weeks in the Seminole State Forest. Running into the tall grass before I could get a pic, until this one.


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