Monday, May 30, 2011

Happy Memorial Day

From Cedar Key.   I checked out of Park Place, drove across the street, and was on the water at 9:40.  Like Sunday, the forecast was a moderate chop, but Monday's waves were nothing like Sunday's.
But, too choppy for me to head out to Seahorse Key.  Heading out would have been ok, I could surf the waves, back, a different story.  So, I decided to paddle west, along the road from where I watched the sunset Sunday, go under a bridge and paddle an area I paddled on my very first visit to Cedar Key.  I did that at low tide, so did not get far, today, high tide was at 11 am.
 The Pickled Pelican, my dinner spot, the blue, second level.
 Waterfront views of the cottages, some for rent, that I showed from the street, Sunday.
A gap in the riprap to launch the kayak.

Bench at my sunset spot.

Airport Road bridge. I biked across Sunday, Monday, I paddled beneath.

 If not for the windsock, you'd never know an airfield was back there.

On a map, at least this one  I was in a wide open area.  In reality it is a series of smaller openings, channels, and coves.  Salt marsh and pine tree edges. I paddle about, exploring. One other kayaker on the water. Perhaps a local, I later saw her kayak pulled up in front of a house.  Saw a dorsal fin.  Shark?  Yup, about a three footer. Got a pretty good view as it shot past the yak.  I paddled through an opening, into the Gulf.

The seas had calmed, if I had started now, I would have gone out to Seahorse Key.  Instead, I made my way around Piney Point, back towards City Park Beach.

Royal Terns. Also saw two more Kemps Ridley turtles. I saw more sea turtles this trip than in my entire 6 years of kayaking.

Paddled past the beach, thinking of going into the Number 2/Main channel.  Never got there.  Watched dolphins instead.

I got a lot of water photos. The three pics above are of a dolphin with a damaged dorsal fin.  Split, and lying flat.  It stayed in the area for about 20 minutes.  Maybe because it could not move as fast as its non-crippled mates in the water.

I landed around 1:15, got the yak on the car, rinsed in the outdoor shower, changed, gotta love a large, handicap restroom with a baby changing table- nice to put the dry clothes on, and headed home.  Saw two swallow tail kites on the drive.  Left early enough to miss Holiday traffic.

For me, Cedar Key is the best place for a weekend kayaking, and more, excursion.  I may head back for the 4th of July.   Unless I get a Key West invitation. ;)

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