Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Lakes Maitland, Nina, and Minnehaha

A short paddle on the local lakes this morning.  Shortened on the front end, as I forgot my camera, went back home to get it.  Shortened on the back end by rain.  90 minutes.  Got home, deleted the bad photos, 71 left, 52 which I will share. Here we go.

Green heron, mallards and limpkins on Lake Maitland.

Wood ducks, osprey, and anhingas

Great egret, more wood ducks, and a turtle. The latter in Lake Nina.

More anhingas, and the covered bridge in the canal to Lake Minnehaha.

More of the same, plus a moorhen.

Great blue heron and ibis.  More anhingas.

The last few times on these lakes, the anhingas weren't as abundant as usual.  Not so today.

No people on the surface of Lake Minnehaha.

Red winged blackbird

Back thorough the canal and Lake Nina.

 Return to Lake Maitland.

This great egret flew away.
 As did an anhinga.

Perhaps the birds were getting ahead of the approaching storm.  Thunder, I ended my paddle a few minutes early.

 Great blue heron blends in. Great egret, does not.


Or does it? It is moving towards the white background.  Landed shortly after this photo, taken at 10:40, as the rain fell.

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