Sunday, October 23, 2011

Wekiva River and Rock Springs Run

After seeing otters Thursday, manatees Friday, manatees, dolphins, roseate spoonbills and white pelicans Saturday, I needed to see deer and alligators.  So off the Wekiwa Springs State Park, Sunday morning.

 Turkeys on the hill above the springs.  I was in the water at 8:45.

Black crowned night heron, just off the launch.

Morning mist on the Wekiva River.
Rock Springs Run birds.

Saw a deer in the woods, and thought, this time of year, where there's a doe, a buck can't be far behind.
The buck ambled off before I got close enough for a good photo.

I was almost to the big hollowed out cypress tree when I encountered this.
I'll just get out, pull the yak over, and keep going.  Only, on shallow Rock Springs Run, this was at a deep spot.  I turned around.

As I photoed the great blue heron above, I saw a big doe just downstream.

Paddled closer.

 Until I looked her in the eye and whispered in her ear.

I did not whisper in her ear.  I did get a video.

 My where there is a doe there is a buck theory did not work this time.

I returned to the Wekiva, and instead of making the usual right turn, back to Wekiwa Springs State Park, I turned left, down River.

Lots of sunning turtles.  Only a matter of time, until I'd see an alligator.

My thought was to go to the big shell mound, and turn back.

This isn't it.  A smaller, less well known, mound.

Approaching the big shell mound.
I had been told No Trespassing signs are now posted.

I like the fact the signs give a reason for the No Trespassing. Restoration.  And that they are taped, not nailed to the trees.

As I had not seen an alligator, I kept going. More turtles. I told myself no photos unless there were three in the frame.

 Turned around after finishing an apple. 
View down River before I turned around, noon.

 I broke my, "Only taking pictures of three or more turtles" rule when I saw this mismatched pair.

There were 5 motor boats between where I turned around and Wekiva Island.  I don't recall ever seeing that many.  Of course, I don't paddle this stretch of the Wekiva very often, so maybe that's typical.  More surprising, the lack of paddlers on the River. On a perfect day.  Fine by me.  That must have made things more pleasant for Park volunteers, Joanne and Pamela.  Joanne said "Look at that old tire"  I said "all I see is those logs".  That's when the gator splashed into the water.  So, I never saw a gator, but I did see the splash.
 Photo courtesy Joanne.

Very few people in the Springs.  A month, two months ago, it was overwhelmed on summer Sundays.  I love fall.

A great end to four days in a row in the kayak.   Mixed in 16 hours of work, the Badger loss, and Packer win.


  1. Do you think the No Trespassing signs are going to keep the people off the mound? I am not holding my breath counting on it.

    Nice deer pics.

  2. They keep me off, too, and I will sure report it if I see trespassers.

  3. They will keep me off too but I am not positive about it based on what I have seen in that part of the river. Sadly it seems that we are the exception and not the rule. We will see.

  4. That's why we have to be snitches ;^)

  5. I glad I was abble to explore it before the signs went up.

  6. Is that the shell mound where the infamous rope swing is, downstream of "Wekiva Island"?


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