Thursday, October 27, 2011

Lakes Maitland, Nina, and Minnehaha

Its nice when the first picture I took is the first picture on the Yak Tale.  A brief paddle this morning, Thursday, October 27, 2011.   Had to come home early to see an an adjuster about my roof..  A public adjuster, my neighbor used him and said he was able to save them money on roof repairs.  By getting their insurance company to pay a portion.  My 20 year old roof is missing a lot of shingles from storms over the years.  The HOA tells me I need to replace it.

On the water at 8:35. Smooth, minimal wind.

Fine morning, to bad I couldn't stay out long.

11:00 o'clock, and the public adjuster isn't here. He did say he did have a 10 am across town, and that today's appointment might not work.  So, you won't see the usual "more tonight" on my weekday Tale.

 See the turtle behind the green heron?

This paddle could be called "Anhinga Alley"

The Lake Nina portion was cut in half.  Lake Nina is about a third of the way through the canal.  From Lake Maitland, the canal goes north to Lake Minnehaha.  It splits, Lake Nina on the left, west side.  I did my usual paddle along the east shore of Lake Nina, back into to canal.  On the way back, I usually paddle to the west side of the tiny Lake, a good place for wood ducks in the lily pads.  Today, I stayed in the canal on the return paddle.

As usual on a weekday morning, few boats.  Paddlers, 4, including me, out numbered power, 2.
Landed just after 9:40.  Not a bad paddle.  Got photos of great egrets, great blue herons, tri colored herons, green herons, wood ducks, moor hens, turtle, and, of course, anhingas.  Seen and not captured, osprey and belted king fishers.  I'll have to see if Sanibel Island can top that. 
In Publix, I see Snickerdoodles.  Wait a second. Aren't those what Chris bakes?  I look closer Sanibel Snickerdoodles.  And nearby, Captiva Dark Chocolate Brownies.  Buy one get one free.  Chris is friend of my brother, Pat.  She's been coming to Sanibel for years, and always cooks a wonderful meal for the group.  I always thought Snickerdoodles were her creation.  Anyway, I emailed the photo to my sister-in-law, and niece.  My sister-in-law responds, saying they are at Sanibel, and the co-owners of the condo brought Snickerdoodles.  And, if I have a chance to stop over, I'm welcome.

I'll bring the Captiva Brownies.

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