Monday, December 12, 2011

Sanibel Day 2

Pelicans, San Carlos Bay, Monday, December 12, 2011.  I arrived at Ding Darling a bit after it opened at 7 am.
Took one photo, or maybe took more but deleted them, on the way to the launch site. Once again, roseate spoonbills were present.

The marine forecast was a light chop, so I paddled through the "lake" into San Carlos Bay.

Overcast morning.

 White and brown pelican gives perspective on the size of the white pelican.
 The beak is almost as large as a yellow crowned night heron.
I paddled northwest, towards Captiva Island.  Took a detour to look at the birds on and near the Wulfert Keys.  No good photos.  Still overcast and I could not get close as the Wulfert Flats lived up to its name
 The No Motor Zone is to protect seagrass.

Hovering osprey.

I was in an area where I've seen bald eagles roosting. Just vultures, osprey and anhinga.

I was now in the channel between Sanibel and Captiva Islands.  For years, I've been trying to get through it. Maybe I should get a chart.

 There are two islands in the channel.  Too shallow to paddle past the first.
I think the houses are at the start of a long, narrow channel, Dinkins Bayou that I've paddled before.  Knowing that is not the way to go, I decided to head back to Ding Darling.

 Female hooded mergansers,

The tide came in, I was able to take a closer look at the Wulfert Keys.

Egrets, ibis, brown and white pelicans.

 Back across to the coast of Sanibel, a bald eagle flew overhead.  It flow low into an inlet. I went in to see if it landed.  Did not see it.  Did see a couple manatees.

Back into the channel along Wildlife Drive.

Landed at 1:20. Back to the condo, had a sandwich, than the short walk on the beach to join the gang.

Olivia swimming with her Dad, Aaron.

Evan and Phineas.

Short walk back to 16D to get ready for a sunset celebration.
Nephews Tyler and Jack, with Matt B.  The other guy is not part of our group.  Much to his dismay, I'm sure.
Aaron and Phin.
Pat and his boys.
 Cousins Olivia and Phineas are about 2 months apart.  Phin was not walking without help.  Until tonight. Uncle Aaron walked behind him, reaching over the red head to hold Phin's out stretched arms.  Aaron let go, holding his hands in front of Phin's who kept walking, without support.  Of course, I did not get a picture.
 Pat and his ladies, Eileen and Megan.

The whole fam damily.

I took this one to get the kayaks.

We were at the Sanibel Harbour Resort.   Not my choice, I don't like places that use unnecessary vowels. Pricey.  $8 Parking. Valet, so a tip.  Not to mention the $6 toll back to Sanibel.  But, there is a method to my brother's madness.  A restaurant coupon for a place just into Fort Myers.  When feeding six, an important thing to possess.
 My niece, Elena, Olivia and Aaron.
Nephew Evan, Camila, and Phineas.

We ate at Minerva's Bar and Grill.  Egg drop soup.  Followed by steak and shrimp for me. Just three shrimp.  I'm glad Jack ordered a large pizza.  That was better than the steak.  Monica and Megan had gyros, Eileen had grouper, or was it mahi?  Don't recall what the others had.  I think they need to narrow down the menu.  We were the only ones seated at a table.  No more than 5 people at the bar.

Back to Sanibel, meet up with the rest of the gang for a beach walk.  I looked back, looked ahead, and thought look at all these people!   Then realized, they are all part of the extended Sanibel family.  Saw a very impressive shooting star as we walked out on the fishing pier. Nice way to end the day.


  1. I especially enjoyed the family pictures. What fun!

  2. Yes. It is always good to spend time with the family.


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