Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Sanibel, Day 3

Tuesday, December 13, 2011.  Another visit to the Ding Darling National Wildlife Refuge.  The first of two this day.  Unlike Sunday and Monday, I did not have bagel and coffee in the car, but bagel and eggs in the condo.
Had to give Olivia time to get to know me as she colored in her Elmo coloring book.  Eventually, she was saying "Dave".   So, off to the Refuge.
I could have taken a lot more photos on the way in, but I could see a lot more from the kayak.  And, I wanted to get started, as Monica, children and grandchildren were coming later.   I wanted to get a paddle in, then maybe go out with a family member or two.

Once again, spoonbills at the launch site as I put in at 9:30.

I paddled along Wildlife Drive, so the family could spot me if they happened to drive by.

As on the prior two days, no one was in the channel along the Drive but me.  I saw a few other kayakers, maybe 3, but all out in the "lakes" or Bay.

 Black crowned night heron, above.  Yellow crowned, below.

Good birding at the Observation Tower.

The tower is at a good spot. Lots to observe.

It was windy, so it was good to stay in the protection of the mangroves.  I think I went out into the "lakes" on my way back to the launch.  Or did I just enter the one just past the launch?  As mentioned in the last Tale or two,  things tend to run together as I write 4 days later.  I know this eagle was above the open "lake" just past the launch.
I had seen several eagles over the last three days.  All juvenile. Did not see a white headed adult. This was the first, and only photo.
I landed soon after, just as Monica, Aaron, Elena and Olivia drove by.  Perfect timing.  I asked my sister if she wanted to join me, she declined, too windy.  So I landed, and headed back to the condo. It was 11:30 or so.
On the way home, saw two more young bald eagles. One looked just like the one above.  The other was a short distance from the Dairy Queen, where there is a nest.
After lunch,it was back to the Refuge.

White pelicans, roseate spoonbills and more, from Wildlife Drive.
 In the water at 2:50. 
I wanted to go back to where I saw the manatees Monday.  Figured if I stayed close to shore, the wind would not be too bad.  And, once I got inside the Wulfert Keys, I'd have a little protection.

The wind was at my back, so an easy paddle to the three pronged inlet near the Wulfert Trail.

 See the manatee?  Neither do I. Slipped under water. There were two.  They decided not to approach me.
The paddle back, into the wind, was difficult. But, I made it.  In time to stop at Bowman's Beach to check out the sunset.
 Despite the nude sunbathing prohibition, I entered the park.

Now, this is a place to watch the sunset.

Nice long stretch of public beach.

Parking, at all Sanibel public beaches, is $2 an hour.  Cheap, compared to the $16 I paid at the Sanibel Harbour. And, over the Gulf, not the Bay. A video.

My first visit to Bowman Beach.  Next time, I'll arrive early enough to wheel the yak to the beach.

Shaded picnic areas.

A water way between the beach and the parking lot.  Don't know if it leads to the Gulf.  Did not see a launch spot.

 More amenities.
Headed home, not knowing what dinner plans were.  Pat and his family had gone to Ft. Myers to pick up Megan's roommate, and were dining in Ft. Myers Beach.  I was thinking I could cook up the brats and red beans and rice I had brought.   No need.  Evan had prepared pasta.  Lucky for me, some was left when I got to 16D.

I did have a brat, as did Aaron, later.  Not much later than that, 9:15, I went to bed.  Sanibel had worn me out.  And, I had one day to go.

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