Sunday, March 18, 2012

Springs Break 2012, Day 2

The near shore forecast for Tarpon Springs to Suwannee River was smooth to light chop.   Cedar Key is 60 miles from the Smoakhouse Ranch.  I couldn't resist.
Sunrise, 7:21.  I fixed my self a salmon omelet, and headed to Cedar Key. Knew I was in the country when I got gas. Not from the chickens in the yard, or deer stand in the next yard.  From not being asked for my zip code when I pumped the gas.  I did see a deer about a mile from the Smoakhouse Ranch.
No cars in the parking area next to the Cedar Key City Park beach.  I was on the Gulf at 9.    Light chop, my butt.  I turned to go into the protected back waters of the Cedar Keys.
Low tide. This bar is at the entrance to the channel at the Old Fenimore Mill.

Oyster catchers.

This wreck in the channel, near the inlet to the Nature's Landing Condos, is another sign of low tide.  At high tide, just the tip sticks out.
At low tide, cormorants and more stand on the oyster shells.

I think these are lesser scaup. I say that as greater scaup don't visit Florida, according to the Cornell U.

The Number Two Channel bridge.   Those aren't docks, they are the old bridge.


 Number 3 Bridge

Approaching a flock of white pelicans.  And black skimmers, that took flight.

The skimmers came back. The pelicans, except the two in the foreground in the first photo, stayed put.

All the pics are of the same flock.  I'd estimate about 100.  A fellow paddler reports seeing 100's more just to the north, at the Shell Mound Unit of the Lower Suwanee River National Wildlife Refuge.  My guess, they are gathering for the flight north.
I now began to paddle back the way I came. Which took awhile, as I made two wrong turns in the shallow, island dotted, waters.

But, with landmarks like the road, bridges, and the Cedar Key water tower, I got back on course.

I stopped at Cemetery Point Park to use the composting restroom.  Sure was glad it was there, it you know what I mean.

Water level was up a bit as measured by the wreck seen earlier in the Tale.
Into the still wavy Gulf.

Where I spent 45 minutes dolphin watching.  Click the photos to expand them for a better view.

There were about 8 dolphins.  I has fin views, eye to eye looks, tails out of the water. The chop, and my incompetence, prevented any real good photos. Guess you had to be there.

Landed at one.
40 minutes later, taking the scenic route through the Lower Suwannee River National Wildlife Refuge.

Parking spot, short walk to a pond.

Back in the car.

Next stop, Fanning Springs State Park.
I thought about Manatee Springs, but I've been there more recently than Fanning, and Manatee requires a 12 mile round trip detour off U.S. 19.   Fanning Springs' entrance is right off the highway.

Either the high water had not made it this far down the Suwanee, or it had dissipated on the way south.  It was crowded on a warm Sunday afternoon, but the first magnitude spring was plenty clear.

A walk to the Suwannee River.

No leaping sturgeon.

Next, a walk in the woods.

Last two photos look like sinkholes to me.  They are.
 The above sign has info about sinkholes.

Resurrection fern.  I heard thunder Saturday night. This must be where the rain fell.
Left Fanning Springs about 4:15. 30 minutes later, I briefly checked out the Lafayette State Forest.
A very new State Forest.
Back to the Ranch, 5 PM
 This "porch" is between by cabin and the other, slightly larger, unit.

The view from the swing.  That's a screen covered hot tub under the tree.
I got off the swing and walked the grounds.
I then got on my bike. Rode on the airstrip
No, the sheep don't cut the runway.
Note on donkeys.  The owners provide a bucket of food to feed the animals.  The donkeys know this, and when they see a new person, like me, they come up to the fence, looking for a handout.  I had not interest in feeding, or petting the livestock, and by the second day, the donkeys ignored me.  Mostly.  When I came out of the cabin, one would come up to the fence, and seeing I did have feed bucket in hand, would go back to what it had been doing.  From now on, I will try not to call stupid people dumba$$.   It insults donkeys.   Dumb sh%@ is more appropriate.
Biking the airstrip, and driveway, I put 1.5 miles on the bike.  And this is the smallest spread in the neighborhood
As I wrap up the Tale from Saturday, on Thursday, I think I went inside, prepared dinner, then went back out for the sunset.
The stars in the country air are pretty neat.  Saw a shooting star.  Nice ending to a pretty good day.

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