Monday, March 19, 2012

Springs Break, Day 3, Ichetucknee

Sunrise Monday as I went for a morning walk at the Smoakhouse Ranch.

Bird's eye views courtesy of this deer stand.

Not a forest fire. The rising sun

I had ideas about visiting some springs on the Suwannee, but after an hour's walk, a leisurely, 3 egg steak omelet, the morning was almost gone.  My hosts said I could stay until 4, as no one was coming in, but I left around 11.
And was on the  Ichetucknee River at 11:40.
A family in rental kayaks from the Ichetucknee Christan Campground was at the dock, waiting to be picked up.  A couple in a canoe set out before me.    The Ichetucknee is low, just coming over the low part of the dock. Usually, the water is a few inches deep here, making it easy to get in the kayak, and push off.  Instead, I had to put the kayak in the deep, fast moving river, and carefully get in.  Not careful enough.  I was sitting on my seat back.  It folds down.   Had to paddle for a bit, find a spot to stand, get out and back in.

I passed the canoers taking a break at the midpoint landing.  The Ichetucknee Christan Campground must have been having a revival.  Lots of folks in the red rental kayaks coming down the River. 

Some tubers, but not too many.  They aren't allowed up River of the Midpoint dock.

Devil's Eye Spring.

Landing outside of Ichetucknee Springs.  I almost did not get out, as again, the water level made it tricky. But, I did.  And headed to Ichetucknee Springs.

And put my head in the Spring.

A few people on the edges of the Spring, no one was in it.

Next stop, down a half mile trail, to Blue Hole Spring.

No one was at this first magnitude Spring.

Blue Hole is well named.

After I took this pic, I received the dreaded "Memory Card Full" message.  So I got out of the Blue Hole Spring.  Deleted photos to clear space as I walked back to Ichetucknee Spring.
This lizard on the steps going to the River was 2-3 x the size of the usual lizards I see.  North of Miami, that is.

Two twenty, ready to get back in the kayak.  Usually, at this point, I have a sandwich.  But, my three egg, steak, cheese, and red onion omelet, still had my tummy full.  So, I put an apple in my PFD pocket and was on my way.

Blue Hole, from the River.

 I've seen beaver here before.

These are otters.

 Blue wing teal

Passed tubers once I past the Midpoint Landing. but it wasn't too bad.

Landed at 4.  I think I missed the bulk of the tubers. 

And so ends Springs Break, 2012. Not a bad three day weekend.

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