Monday, April 30, 2012

Day 3, Ashley and Arlo Wedding Weekend.

Great white heron, Sunday morning.  I had to go kayaking before the departing brunch.   The forecast got worse as the day went on.  So, I disappointed my Mom my not joining her at 10:30 Mass.  Could have told her I was there, she is blind after all.  But, it  was very cloudy, and I did not want to be hit by lightning.  My plan  was to drive up the Keys, no further then the Sugarloaf Lodge.   I passed a launch site at Mile Marker 11, Sugarloaf is at  MM 15, and after driving about half a mile, turned back.
A light rain, I put on a poncho and got in the kayak.
Underway at 9:35

The 1912 railroad bridge is much more artistic then the early 1980's span.  Which brother Andy helped build.

Under water view.

I was thinking these were coral.
Thanks to "The Florida Keys Paddling Guide" which Monica gave me, I know they are sponges.  I should have known, browsing Arlo's copy of the same guide on past visits.
Landed at 11:20
Laughing gull.
Back to Key West for a bagel brunch at Bill Rowan's.
The young lady was one of Arlo's housemates at Bard. I asked if they picked by hair color.
Brother Pete, sister Clare.
Mom and Aunt Carol.  The latter drove Derek back to Atlanta, on her way back to Milwaukee.  So Derek did not have to do the bus ride from Orlando after driving with me, the original plan.

Ashley's Dad, Eileen, and nephew, Jack.
Part of Evan's toast was saying he is looking forward to a nephew that looks like him.  Brown haired Evan's boy, Phineas has red hair, like his Uncle Arlo.
Having another niece that looks like Elena would be just as nice.
The mothers can't keep from smiling.

Sadly, I had to say my goodbyes.

Old Bahia Honda Bridge
Seven Mile Bridge

It rained on and off in the Upper Keys.  It must have poured on the mainland, standing water in the medians, later on, flood warnings on the radio.  Back in Central Florida, no rain.

1 comment:

  1. Maybe your mom wouldn't have noticed you weren't at mass but god sees everything (joking). I would have blown off church to go on the water, too.

    Beautiful family and beautiful shots!


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