Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Lakes Maitland, Nina, and Minnehaha

After spending the weekend with red haired family members in Key West, this morning I encountered 3 more red heads where the Maitland-Minnehaha canal splits before Lake Nina.  Three pileated woodpeckers.  One good photo.
Make way for ducklings.

The rat-a-tat-tat of  woodpecker caught my ear. As mentioned above, not one, but three.

Smart for this red shouldered hawk to hunt from a seawall on the canal.  If it dove in from a tree, it might have hurt itself.  Water level is very low.

Just one boat on Lake Minnehaha, looked like City workers.  Once again, at the launch, the lazy ass paddle boarding chick, too special to park her car where where she is supposed to.  How this person thinks she can park her SUfrikinV on the grass,  No Parking Signs in front and rear of it is beyond me.  I got a late start, so I did not waste my time confronting her.  Or her friends, putting their truck in the middle of the ramp while loading.  Move it to the side, let others pass.  Some people just don't get it.

Landed at 10:45.  I like where I live. Saw more wildlife on suburban lakes than I saw in the Keys over the past weekend.  Relations not included. Now its time to figure out where to go this weekend.


  1. I see a lot of woodpeckers over in the Wekiva neighborhood - so pretty. Did some more research on kayaks and decided that I definitely want a SOT. This came after cleaning out my boyfriends (sit inside) that is a giant pain in the arse to drain. :)

  2. Wendy, if you get a SOT,either wear long pants, or buy sunscreen by the gallon. My pasty Irish legs like the protection they get in a SINK.

  3. Wendy, I love my SOT, a Hurricane Phoenix 120. I usually wear long quick-dry pants and use sunscreen, especially on my feet.

    Both types of boats have their advantages. If you're interested in a nice SINK (sit inside kayak) my friend Pam is selling a Necky Manitou Sport (10 ft 11 inches long) for $375. Excellent boat for getting started, or as an extra boat---rotomolded, tough, fast for a small boat.

  4. Thanks to both of you for the advice!

    I'm of pasty Irish descent as well. Sunscreen and quick dry pants are noted! :)

    Joanne, thank you for the heads up on the kayak for sale. It's a great price but I think I'm leaning towards a SOT. I have access to a SINK at the moment (planning on geting out in it this weekend at some point). I'll definitely look into the Hurricane Phoenix 120!

  5. I'm always looking for an extra boat.

  6. Dave, this would be an excellent extra boat, and she's practically giving it away, in my opinion. It is in good condition, has been kept inside.

    Wendy, if you'd like to demo my Phoenix 120 (not for sale) let me know. Travel Country in Altamonte Springs has them but I don't know when they're doing any demos.


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