Saturday, June 16, 2012

Wekiva River, Blackwater Creek

After 4 straight 4 day work weeks, I worked 6 this week.  Only to 11:30 today.  Was thinking of Katie's Landing, but the forecast called for 20-30 mile an hour gusts, a lake wind advisory.  So, I headed to Wekiwa Springs State Park.  Which would be crowded, but after 30 minutes or so, I leave the crowds behind as I paddle up Rock Springs Run.  It was more crowded than I expected.  As in full.  So, off to Katie's Landing, after a 10 mile detour.
 Underway just before 1. After chatting with a couple who just landed.  First time at Katie's Landing. Just moved the Central Florida 10 days ago. They've got me beat. I was here 16 years before I got to Katie's.

Sandhill crane family.
As usual, I paddled north. Into the wind, which was not as bad as advertised.  With the current.

From a distance, I first thought the brown carcass with vultures was a deer.

No deer, a late, large gator.
Bloated and brown. . Living gators have a paler belly.
Interesting, well to me, that the vultures don't just tear the carcass about, but had made a small, round hole to get at the good stuff.

A little beauty after the beast.
Prothonotary warbler

Deer on the left, west side of the Wekiva.


A live gator

I saw two other kayakers, a couple boaters.  Was getting near Blackwater Creek when I saw another boat up ahead.  I had the choice of two routes, and took the one where the boat wasn't.   I was off the main channel.  June has been wet, the River is higher than its been in months,  and I was in an area I've never been before.  I decided to keep paddling until I could not paddle any more or I re-entered the main channel.
I got back to the main channel. Turned around to photo the spot. I came from the left.
I came out near the spot where the main channel is joined by channels on the left and right.  About half way between the mouth of Blackwater Creek and the St Johns River.  I turned around. On the main channel.

Entering Blackwater Creek.

 A brief stop at the usual spot.
The pond behind the bank, which has been empty for a while, is full of water.
View before getting back in the kayak and paddling down the Creek.

 Recent rains have made Blackwater Creek live up to its name for the first time in a while. Rainfall and runoff has overwhelmed the many small springs that feed the Creek.
As usual, alligators on Blackwater were numerous, but wary. Like the one above sliding into the water.  Others, ran, jumped, and splashed.

Return to Wekiva River.  The boat that was down River of the Creek entrance was in the same spot.  "You must have gone the other way"  They had passed me on the way up, before they stopped.  Frequent Wekiva paddlers may recognize the boat. Pontoon, with an old, somewhat noisy 35 horse Evinrude.  I asked if they had been there for the last hour hour, or so.  They had.
 I turned around to take a picture of where I took the alternate route. On the right.  A tree is down across much of the main channel.  Easy to get past, but it changed the look of the River.  That's my story and I'm sticking to it.

What is this? Did not notice it on the way down River.
Adventure race check point.  Must have been a fast paddling guy I saw a bit earlier who placed it.

Vultures. You know what that means.  Dave did not get enough wildlife pictures so he settled for scavengers?  No.   Back to the dead gator.

A single vulture, working on a second hole.  I wonder if the other vultures, watching from nearby trees, kept their distance from experience.  Do bloated carcasses burst?  Entrails flying, could make a messy situation.

Another Adventure race check point.  I was in the little inlet on the west side of the little island where homes begin to appear on the east side of the River.  If a race marker is here, the high water must have opened a new channel.

I made my own channel.  Into the bird friendly area across from Katie's.

Landed 5 past 7.  A new feature at Katie's.  Motorboat barricade. For those who can't read the signs. At least two, stating no motors allowed, non-motorized vessels only.  Speaking of motorboats, there were a few on the River.   Most going slowly, or slowing when they saw me.  Except two jerks.  Back to back. Must have been together.  I hoped to hear a thud as they hit a log,  then screams as gators attacked.  Not so lucky.   Five fellow paddlers.  I guessed correctly that a guy I saw paddling fast was setting up markers for Sunday's race.  On shore, I guy was parking a trailer, filled, I assume, with things for Sunday.  He said 200 people were in the race.  I was glad I went to Katie's Saturday.  Here's the website    So I can avoid being here, or otjher places, when the racers are.


  1. Thought about kayaking the Lower Wekiva Sunday morning. Glad that decided to stay with the family instead. Nice pics Master Dave. Have a question: Is the new channel you mentioned West of the island just North of Katie's. I have pushed my way West of that island on my most recent paddles there.

  2. Luis, thats it. I was thinking of you as I paddled. "So this is where Luis got photos of 57 birds"
    Well, maybe not that many.

  3. 57? Nope. No that many but plenty of them. I like that route better. You probably know why now.

  4. That route was a bit harrowing for me this past weekend. I'm still a newbie, the many gators had me shaking in my shorts cutting through that marsh. :)



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