Sunday, June 17, 2012

Wekiwa Springs State Park, Rock Springs Run

I'm giving the Park top billing on this Tale as in addition to kayaking, I biked and hiked.   Saw deer on all three modes of transport. Kayak, bike, shoe.  12 in all.  Above is the first of the day, fawn on Rock Springs Run.
Began the day at 8:30. Renters already going out.  I asked the guy at the concession about that.  I thought they opened at 9.   8 for the summer.
Little gators have been on this log in the lagoon since February.
Green heron
Blue heron
Black crowned night heron.
  I like to take it easy as I make the short paddle down the Wekiva to Rock Springs Run.  Save myself for the up Run paddle.  But, 2 canoes with 4 young guys launched soon after me.   A bit loud, as a group of friends out for fun can be. So, I paddled hard to put some distance between us.  But, you know what?  They quieted down.   The serenity of early morning on the Wekiva has a calming effect.
Great egret, Rock Springs Run

Just as I was thinking I would not see anyone until the campsites, two kayakers came down the Run.  I wished the older one Happy Fathers Day.  They must have launched close to when the Park opened.

Anhinga (female)
I was surprised at how clear the Run was running.  Water level up a little,but not much.  Have the rains missed this area?
Campers at both Otter Camp and Indian Mound Camp. They picked a good night. Not to hot for mid June, high 80's.   If there was any rain, it was a few sprinkles.  That's all I experienced on Saturday.
A little bit past Indian Mound, I thought I saw something run on the bank.
Lucky for me, the fawn stopped. Lucky for the fawn, LBJ wasn't around.
What, this wasn't the first thing that came to your mind when you saw the big ears? Must be under 50.
Mama deer was nowhere to be seen.

A second, non-antlered deer was near this young buck.
Tri colored heron
Great blue heron. The above three birds, and a turtle, were on in the same spot.  The tri colored heron flew off before the group photo.
They were in the perfect place.  My planned turn around point.  Where the trees once again close in over the Run.  I turned around, back into the "open area"


Two, or was it three years ago? this stump just past the Otter Campsite was underwater.  A long way to go to reach that stage.

Eastern Tiger swallowtail.

As usual on Sunday, once back on the Wekiva I hit a traffic jam. That is what happens when you have a State Park with rentals, and a private concession, a mile down River, with more rentals.
This little fella was across the lagoon from the gator I saw at the start of the day.
This is the log across the pond. Now with two residents.
Landed at 12:45.  Wheeled the yak up the hill, put it on the roof, took the bike of the back, and biked to Sand Lake.

Deer on the right side of the road.  Where's there is one, there is usually more, I thought.  I waited, and did see a second, too far in the forest for a photo.  2 minutes down the road, more deer.

Two fawns and a doe.  One bolder, on the other side of the road from Mom.   The other, made sure it stayed close.

The next creature does not move as quickly.
One, and then another, gopher tortoise.

I've been trying to figure out where the new/old white blaze trail is since I first saw this sign a couple months ago.
It has the trail starting at the horse corral.  So, once again, I followed the white blazes towards Big Buck Camp.
On the same trail I've trekked before, over Mill Creek.
Another deer.  I need to think of a catchy phrase for seeing deer in the kayak, on the bike, and on foot.
Triathlon Trio?

I should have a deer photo here. One crossed the road.  I forgot the where there is one, there are more theory until a second crossed the road.  Still to slow to catch the third.

The broken down picnic table that I mentioned in a recent Tale is no longer at the campsite.
I was glad I had paddled up the Run before the yellow canoes from Kings Landing began the trip downstream.
The signs indicate the Sand Lake parking lot is 1.7 miles in either direction.  So, is the direction I did not take the new/old trail?  I walked to find out.

I like the new/old trail.  As the sign at the Sand Lake lot states, its shaded.

No need for this bridge now.
A more substantial, new bridge.

Always good to have confirmation I was headed in the right direction.
Old bridge over Mill Creek.
From oak and palm hammock to long leaf pine.

Entrance to the new/old trail. Behind the restrooms at Sand Lake.
At the north end of the "Sand Lake Trail" according to the sign on the kiosk.  So why does it show it starting near the horse corral, which is on the south?  Oh well, if things were easy, it wouldn't be an adventure.
No deer on the bike back to the main parking area.  I stopped to see why the trail was roped off.
Are the yellow jackets the defendants?

Another great day at Wekiwa Springs State Park. Paddled about 8, 8 and a half miles, biked 4, walked 3.5. No bugs, cool, high 80's, a brief sprinkle as I sat on a picnic table at Sand Lake, resting after the walk.


  1. That first photo of the fawn is absolutely priceless.

  2. X2 (Joanne's comment). A peek-a-boo moment at Rock Springs Run.

  3. Do we have to be "friended" on Facebook to view Facebook links from this blog?? I am never able to view your videos or photos, so curious.

    The error is: "This content is currently unavailable
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  4. Brenda, I don't know. I do no videos take much too long to download here. Unless they are 3 seconds long.


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