Saturday, January 26, 2013

Haulover Canal

This was the Saturday I had to work in January. So, I was not on the water until 12:55

Green heron
Two dolphins.  Click on to expand. 1 o'clock.
 Brown pelicans, cormorants, great blue heron. Mullet Head Island

 Roseate spoonbill

 Reddish egret

 Gulls and royal terns

 White pelicans

If you haven't figured it out already, I paddled around the Mullet Head Island Bird Sanctuary

 Short canal where I have seen manatees on occasion.  None today
Back into the Indian River
 Paddling the alternate channel,  a couple told be a dolphin was ahead
"That's why its "Dolphin Cove"

Bairs Cove was to busy with boats for me to look for manatees, so I followed two dolphins towards the Mosquito Lagoon

 There are hard to see dolphins in the Canal photos

Mosquito Lagoon

 Blue winged teal?

Catch of the day
I was in the area behind the islands in the Mosquito Lagoon.  Very shallow. But, near a gap to Haulover Canal, is  deep spot where manatees hang out. Where was it?  Splash! Waves! Wake!  Oh, here it is.   I did not see four manatees, who bolted when I got too close.   I waited, they came back

A dolphin came in, hungry and hunting

Too bad I did not get the photo when it charged towards my kayak, after a fish.  Turning at the last moment, on its side, fish in open mouth.  Well, I almost got the photo.

My battery ran out.  I had to change it, then catch up with the dolphin

I came into the sheltered area between these islands,  and once the dolphin was in the open Lagoon, I turned back.

 Blue heron

 Great egret
The last 5 pics are from Bairs Cove.   A couple manatees were present.  No photos of them

Dolphin in "Dolphin Cove"

I need a camera that says, "Hey dummy, wrong video setting!"

Landed at 5:10.  There were a lot of people in the Canal, and on the banks.  I know where to go to avoid most of them.
 Stopped at the Scrub Ridge Trail
 Don't know what the story is  on the tilled trail

No Florida scrub jays

I was about to get in my car when this bird landed

 Too round to be a scrub jay.  But, it gave me an excuse to take more moon shots

Good night.

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