Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Rock Springs Run

You know you have a miserable job when an afternoon on Rock Springs Run does not completely cheer you up.  But, I'm better.  If not for kayaking, my life would be miserable.

Enough self loathing.  I was on the water at 2:07

The turtle's struggle to get on the log put a smile on my face.

Two canoes on the Wekiva, one ahead of me, the other, returning to Wekiwa Springs State Park

Wekiva, above. On to Rock Springs Run

I passed three guys in a canoe.

Saw one more paddler.  Joanne.  Who saw otters and deer. And fornicating hawks.

I saw a deer in the woods in "Bear Alley"  So named by Joanne a couple years ago when we both saw deer in the area

Turned back at 4:02, not quite to the end of the open area up Run from Big Buck

 2nd deer of the afternoon

Only alligator I saw. Wekiva River.   I did her little ones chirping, twice on Rock Springs Run

Landed at 5:55.

Thoughts of cashing in the retirement savings, buying some kayaks, a trailer and a van.  Would you pay $50 for a private, guided tour?   Dreams.  If it failed, I could always live in the van, down by the river.


  1. I never even saw an alligator, and I was thinking today I haven't been seeing raccoons lately.

  2. My opinion is probably biased since I have learned from you but a private tour with you will worth $50. If people pay $45 to jump in the water with manatees at Crystal River, $50 seems like a great deal.

  3. You seem to really enjoy your long, quiet solo adventures, I'm not sure you'd enjoy guiding people. I know I wouldn't! In fact, I think it would be my nightmare. Now, as for living in a van down by the river, that's a plan I can completely get behind! Seriously, I think you should consider that. Why not?

    1. (By the way, I didn't mean to dissuade you if guiding is your dream. Some people love sharing what they love, others end up loathing the thing they love after mixing business and pleasure. Just something to think about. Sorry if that came off as rude.)

  4. Joanne, between the two of us, we had the small aquatic mammals covered.

    Luis, thanks. I'd charge $75 if Mrs. Luis would be the official photographer of Yak Tales Tours.

    Octohawk, I doubt I'll do it. Guiding is not my dream Winning the lotto and doing whatever I want is. But, being in a kayak and making a living would not be a bad thing.

  5. Sign me up! First 5 dustomers wanting to make a reservation. July time please..........


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