Sunday, January 20, 2013

Weeki Wachee Springs State Park and Chassahowitzka River

As is the norm with Chass Tales, I lead off with a photo from Ruth Springs Run.  Can't beat the view.

View from outside my door at the Quality Inn.  Had breakfast.  Scrambled eggs, bacon, a little muffin, OJ and coffee.  Topped off the coffee, took it, a sweet roll and apple back to the room
Sandhill crane.
I checked out, and drove across the road to Weeki Wachee Springs State Park. The longtime roadside attraction has been part of the Park system since, I believe, 2008.   Which means, with my annual pass, I get in free.  Admission is $13.
The building is where the audience sits for the mermaid shows.

There used to be a separate charge for the Buccaneer Bay waterpark.    It is now part of the package.  But, the waterslides are closed until March
The Tiki Bar was not open, either

The other side of the "No Vessels Beyond This Point" sign

 Historical marker.  Indian Mound

Mythical marker.
It was a cool morning, no one was in the water.  Although the waterslides are closed, the swim area was open.  I did not see any manatees in the swim area, but as I saw one in the Spring, upstream, and several downstream of the swim area, I figured you never know.  So back to the car for snorkel gear. As I came back, I could hear music from the Mermaid show.  "I Can See Clearly Now"


Stage set for the Mermaid show

The performers use air hoses
Manatees use nostrils, opening flaps when they surface

Although I was not in the Spring itself, I was as close as you can get without being a mermaid or scuba diver on a sanctioned visit.  Very cool, and a sound track to boot.

I toweled off,  got in the car, and drove 16 miles north to the Chassahowitzka River Campground.
Underway at 12:10

My late start meant more people on the water.  A long train of kayaks coming out of Baird Creek.  I'd hate to be the caboose.    They headed across the Chas to the north side of the trio of islands.  I ducked into Snapper Cove to let them get down River.

Or perhaps, Manatee Cove

Back to the River

Into the less traveled side of the islands

Back on the wide Chassahowitzka

The River gets even wider past these signs

I thought of heading to Crawford Creek,  but, it was getting windy, so I turned back
The trees mark Crawford Creek. It was 1:50

Hard to believe, but this is the first swimming raccoon I've ever seen

Approaching Potter Creek, the fleet I saw earlier was coming out.  Perfect.  But, a group of four was approaching.  I paddled hard to get to the Creek first, and paddle ahead of them.  But, they had the advantage of paddling with the current, and arrived first.  I stopped.  And struck up a conversation with a guy I saw at Hospital Hole on the Weeki Wachee.  Philip is visiting Florida to canoe and camp.  He had just spent a couple weeks in the Everglades.  During our conversation, the foursome came out of the Creek.  I asked why.  "Not as nice as other places we have been today, too muddy"
OK, I'm going in.  Phillip followed.

I guess beauty is in the eye of the beholder

I/m guessing the foursome have not read Dave's Yak Tales

Or looked at pictures of Ruth Spring and its run at the back of Potter Spring.

Philip, in his solo canoe, made it up the run.  He got out,  I headed back down stream.

Back on the Chass, I again paddled on the shallow, no, or few motor boat side, of the islands.  Better for wildlife.  Saw a wild hog.  The romantic story is wild hogs are descendents of ones brought to the New World by Hernando de Soto and other conquistadors.  The more likely story is they are the progeny of pigs that eluded being fenced in when the open range ended in Florida..   In 1949.   Until then, cattle and hogs roamed free, browsing  the woods and swamps.

One thing you won't see here is manatees. Too shallow I had seen two more in the main channel.  Also saw a young bald eagle.  Flying, landed a couple times, no photo.  Saw Phillip again, and told him about Snapper Spring.

Several manatees, no good photos

Into Crab Creek for a view of its springs

 Over a couple of the Seven Sisters Springs. aka the Solution Holes

 Chassahowitzka Spring
I landed at 5:30. Another wonderful weekend.   I'll be staying home this coming weekend.  Have to work Saturday morning.  Which means I'll kayak Tuesday afternoon.  Hopefully I'll have deer, alligator and more photos to share.
Almost forgot of one of the days highlights.  A volunter at Weeki Wachee State Park noted my Packers sweatshirt.  He went to grade school with Bob Skoronski.  Offensive tackle and team captain during the Glory Years.


  1. Ruth Spring is one of the most beautiful places I've ever seen, and the only reason I would ever go back to the Chaz after having a day there ruined by air boats.

  2. Not for manatees, otters, dolphins, eagles, deer, alligators.....?

    Besides, it is the place we had our first email exchange about. After you read a report I had on

    Just wanted to say how much I enjoyed your trip report on the Chassahowitzka! I spent yesterday poking around there; paddled Baird Creek and Salt Creek, Potter was too shallow even for a small flat bottomed kayak. Your report had inspired me to go, and I definitely will go back when I can camp overnight---it was a long day, driving from north of Orlando.
    Thank you!


  3. I so thoroughly enjoyed your manatee photos from Weeki Wachee, they're beautiful! I spent my entire childhood dreaming of being a Weeki Wachee mermaid when I got older, but nowadays even while I can appreciate the kitschy old Florida aspect, I wish it was just a natural spring without all the hoopla.


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