Saturday, January 19, 2013

Weeki Wachee

Greetings from the Quality Inn, across U.S. Highway 19 from Weeki Wachee Springs State Park.  Who knows, maybe I'll visit the land portion of the Park, Sunday.  It would be my first time.
No one was at Rogers Park when I arrived.  Paid the $2 entry fee.  That early you get the post 5 PM rate It kicks up to  bucks at 8 or 9.  Restrooms were open, always nice after a 86 mile drive. I was underway at 7:28.

 Manatees at the Hospital Hole sinkhole/spring, 7:38
I considered getting in the water, but did not.  Did not want to have a cool, wet paddle up River.  I have been in the Hole when the air temperature has been in the 30s.  It was probably in the mid to high 50s early this morning.

The blue heron below is on a seawall that has a great mural.  Saluting Panama Canal pilots and paintings of local wildlife along the wall.  It has been painted over.  I was very disappointed.  But, there is a happy ending.  Stay tuned.

I paddled about two hour, more than half way up River from Rogers Park, before I encountered the first downstream paddler.  Eventually, there were about 20-25. Most in one armada.

A second eagle left the tree before I got near enough for a photo.

It landed.

Reached the end of the up River paddle at 10 after 10.

I did not get into position for more photos of the eagle nest

I did not take a lot of photos on the way up the Weeki Wachee.  The current is swift, and I did not want to lose momentum.  I made up for it on the way down

I was looking for a place to take a break, when I saw a couple paddlers looking into the water. Had to be manatees,

Across from the first sandbar on the way down stream. So.I landed, peed, and ate a sandwich while watching the manatees. And other people watching the manatees.

A woman, I assume the owner, was doing some work on the former wildlife/Panama  Canal mural.  I began to ask, "Are y..  "YES!"    I guess everyone who passes by is asking if it will be repainted

 Ducking ducks

Manatees coming from, and at, Hospital Hole.  To many people around, so I did not linger.
 Paddled past Rogers Park
And the Upper Deck, which has a new color scheme
Going this way gets you off the least natural part of the River.
 Houses on one side instead of two

A narrow creek leads to the Mud River.

Shallow, too. Water levels on all the waterways were low.

Mud River


 The Mud and Weeki Wachee meet, and flow towards the Gulf

 I turned back at 2:15. Not quite to the Bayport  fishing pier.  After nearly seven hours, I did not want to paddle into the wind and growing waves

I paddled back up the Weeki Wachee, not the Mud River

Into the left, less traveled channel

I went back to Hospital Hole.  A crowd of people, as well as manatees.   I waited.

And went into the water

 Not the best snapper picture
 Oh , you though I was talking about the manatees

One advantage of being first at the launch site.  Got the best parking space.  Landed at 4:00. Half an hour later, I was at the Weeki Wachee Preserve

The lakes, and hills are from when limerock was mined at the site.

Makes a unique ride for Florida.

Yes, kayaks can be launched into the lakes.  But, cars are allowed only 1 day a month.

Next stop, Jenkins Creek Park

In addition the the pier, there is 4 story observation tower on the other side of Shoal Line Blvd.  I was going to take in the view, and take more pics, but the battery died.  I used up 5 batteries.  More like 4, as one gives out after 3 or 4 photos.  Must be one that got wet.
 Had a bowl of clam chowder and a romaine sandwich at the Upper Deck.  Across from Rogers Park
There is a cheese burger under there.  I asked my bartender if there was a spare outlet to charge a battery.
I did not order a dinner, as when I do, I take some home.  Home this evening at the Quality Inn had neither fridge nor microwave.
But,  at 52.96, the all important internet connection was strong, so I got a good start on the now completed, Tale.


  1. Awesome trip and photos! You definitely know where to find manatees, it would seem.

  2. Thank you, Brenda. Finding manatees is simple. Just go where they are.;)


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