Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Sweetwater Cabin, Juniper Creek, Salt Springs Run

Monday dawned even colder than Sunday. 25 in the city of Ocala.  I bet it was a little warmer here near the 72 degree Spring
Cool enough for frost on the Key West Mini Cooper as I started my morning walk

Said hello to Bob

This spur is off the cabin road.  I figure it may be a good place for wildlife.  It comes out to 19 just south of the cabin road

Back at the cabin, Monica pointed out a hawk’s nest.  So there will be future generations of the fish nabber.

I decided to go kayaking.I know, what a surprise..  Brought the red yak to the Spring.  Drove to Juniper Wayside, biked back.
Bob was on one side of the deck

The kayak on the other

To Juniper Creek


Fast current.  I thought of going to the rapids, but turned around after 30 minutes


Not sure if this is a little spring
May be Litttle Sweetwater
Fast water, not the rapids. This is on the way back down the Creek

Back to the Spring.  Bob was still there.  Can’t see him in this photo

I told my sister that Bob was the coolest thing I had seen.  And her, of course.
Until I got back on Juniper Creek

Downstream, 2 more deer

The 2 photos are the one that did not run away

I was unable to get a picture of the dozens of mullet shooting under my kayak.
07 09 10

It was a nice 90 minute paddle.
Near the beginning of this Tale I mentioned the spur that may be good spot for wildlife

First ever bobcat photos

After lunch, chili and grilled ham and cheese, it was off to the Salt Springs Marina.

.   We saw manatees,  but I did get any pictures.
I blame the wind

To avoid the wind, we entered a canal along a picnic area in the Salt Springs Recreation Area.

Lots of  little birds.  If you know what it is, let me know.

Back to Salt Springs Run

We headed almost to the end of the Idle Speed Zone, than came back.
Watched manatees again.  I did get one, poor picture.
This gives you an idea of the wind.  I missed a great photo.  Mother, with calf in almost a protective embrace beneath it, passing under my kayak.
We were on the water a little over an hour and a half.
Stopped at the Yearling Trail on the way back to the cabin

Saw scrub jays.  As does Jody, the kid in the novel.  I read the first 50 pages or so.  It opens with Joy going to Silver Glen Spring.  Later, he and his father track a bear to Juniper Creek.

The crew for the movie stayed at Sweetwater Cabin
Back home. Checked on Bob

Our darling mother told us to spend 50 bucks on dinner out.  We always listen to Mom. Having never been to the Blackwater Inn before, I suggested we go there.  It is closed Mondays.  With no internet or phone, it is hard to know things like this.  Unless you know. So, Castaways, on the other bank of the St. Johns River, is busy Monday.  I enjoyed my fish, shrimp, and scallop combo.  And crab stuffed mushroom app.  Took some home. Thus ends day 4 of my Sweetwater vacation.


  1. Joanne, if you see 9, you see all I have posted so far. The numbers are where pictures will be. Now, if you will excuse me, it is time to get the kayak in at Cedar Key City Park.


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