Friday, February 22, 2013

Sweetwater Cabin, Silver River

Tuesday dawned 20 degrees warmer than the 25 degree chill that greeted us Monday

Warmer weather has not made Bob move

Can’t say I blame him.   I went for a short walk

Ancient shells, or recent vintage?
This is recent vintage
Left over scallops and shrimp from Castaways.  With sausage
A hearty breakfast to prepare for the Silver River. A few stops on the way.  Winn Dixie to see if they have the sunglasses I prefer to replace the ones on the bottom of the Oklawha River.  And a camera battery to replace one that has yet to recover from that adventure.  No batteries, nor flip  ups or wear over glasses,  sunglasses.  “Try CVS”  They did have my sister’s preferred bread. Monica was not with me.  No battery at CVS, they did have old man wear over shades.  Good, as it was a sunny day.
Next stop, the library to get on line and post the Tales for this trip.  With a few of the many photos to come.  It did not open until 10.  I was able to get on line outside while I waited. Much better connection once I got inside and plugged in.
Sandhill crane from the parking lot as I left at 10:37

In the canal leading to the Silver River at 11:02
I was disappointed at how full the parking lot was at Ray’s Wayside.  Plus a van unloading kayaks.  I parked farther from the launch site that I ever have. On a Tuesday, for crying out loud

I told myself I was not going to photo any lone turtle.

With my late start, the alligators were already out

Not every alligator is as fortunate as Bob, warming up in a 72 degree Spring.
Great egret in its finery

Feathers as wispery as the Spanish moss

Almost deleted the next pic.  Decided it was a nice scenic shot.
With alligator

The current on  the Silver River appeared to be faster than it had been a couple of weeks ago.  I passed a trio of kayakers, one was having a hard time sustaining forward momentum

I reached the Silver River State Park launch at 12:20.  Good thing I did not plan on stopping, as it was packed.  But, I did pause on the other side of the River after hearing a screech.

Primates on both sides of the River.

More than I have seen in a while.  I want to, and half expect to see deer, alligators, monkeys, manatees, otters and bears this trip.   Still need the bear.

The great blue heron needs to look behind it

In the waters of the Silver River theme park.  When I said “theme park”, my sister said “Disney World?”  Perhaps I should have said “Attraction”

I may have had a hand in having this feeder removed a few years ago.  I wrote that it set a bad example to sell animal feed while down River, signs say do not feed wildlife.
 Here is what I wrote

Why does the State allow the Silver Springs attraction to sell food for people to toss out of the glass bottom tour boats? It goes against the common sense rule of not feeding wildlife. People do it, and think it is ok to feed all wildlife. Alligators, manatees, deer, monkeys, and more.
Mon 03/21/2011 09:17 PM

The answer

Good morning Mr. Cannon,
The State does not allow the feeding of wildlife within the State Park or the Attractions. I will personally contact the General Manager of Silver Springs to alleviate this situation. I appreciate you taking the time to bring this to my attention. Visitor feedback is the key to establishing the highest possible standards and greatest experience for our visitors.
Thank you,
Robert C. La Mont , Park Manager
Silver River State Park

Anhingas are nesting

Under an alligator’s watchful eye
53 55 56 57

Like the River, the attraction seemed busy for a Tuesday.  Probably because soon the zoo will be gone.  The State, which owns the property, is taking over operation of the attraction and non native animals will be taken out.  This does not include the reshus monkeys on the River.

Two weeks ago, Luis, of Views From Our Kayak fame, posted a picture of an alligator at the main Spring.  I had never seen one there.

Until today.  Perhaps like Bob, this alligator has found that a Spring is a pretty good place to hang out.  Warm, and plenty of food.

The wind had kicked up and it was hard to get a very good picture of the main Spring. Waves obscured the boil.
I wonder if paddlers will be allowed back in here when the State takes over
There are several springs in the upper part of the Silver River

The other side of the nursery island

The glass bottom boats will stay. But who needs one?  When you have a kayak.

The no fishing rule does not apply to great egrets

Wide eyed pie billed grebe

Monkeys were still across from the State Park launch

Much to crowded for me
I ate in the kayak

This gator may not have a long life.  I drifted into the log it was on while changing batteries. All it did was change position

The ones that jump off logs, survive.

That’s the spot

Landed at 5 after 4.  After kayaking the Silver River, and paddling over springs I can not swim in, I always visit one of the public springs in the Ocala National Forest.  Not this time.  I have my own spring this week.
Well, almost my own.
I wasn’t going to let Bob spoil my fun.

A very short swim, a good distance from Bob the resident alligator.
   Both gator pictures are from the safety of the deck
After snorkeling I like to take a walk.  Hopefully to see wildlife.

Did not have to walk very far.

The day ended as it began.  With Bob, still ruling  Sweetwater Spring.  Monica came back from her day.  I told her about the deer.  She had seen six in the yard.  And, much closer to the cabin

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