Saturday, March 2, 2013

Gum Slough

Saturday's forecast was cool, high in the low 60's. And, windy   Perfect day to paddle a tree lined stream. I read a recent report on Gum Slough.  The paddlers had to get out of their kayaks one time. I had not been there since July, and,  I need some new material for ProtectGumSlough   so, I headed to Inverness.   Stayed in bed later than usual on a Saturday. Let things warm up a bit.   Saw five deer off Turner Camp Road,  not to far from the launch.  Nice start to the day
 On the Withlacoochee River at 8:45

 Shell mound at Potts Preserve, across the Withlacoochee from the mouth of Gum Slough
Began the up Slough paddle at 9:10

I did have to get out of the kayak once.   To get over  log. I think it was the first time I have had to do that on Gum Slough, which has a reputation as a difficult paddle. It is strenuous.   Swift current, and while I only got out of the kayak once, several times I teeter tottered over logs.

Saw a deer, unable to get a picture.  Like other narrow, tree lined waterways, think Rock Springs Run and Blackwater Creek, much of the wildlife is hidden in the thick forest.

At about the half way point, there are two channels, I took the one on the right.  I knew both end up in the same spot.  As long as I picked the right channel. There are some that are not passable.  It is easy to find the right channel.  If you hit a dead end, turn around.  I picked a channel that went through.  Good choice.
 Family of otters, ahead.
 One way to know you are on the correct alternate channel are these "Experiment" signs. When the Experiment is over, you are on your own

Getting to the open marsh like part of the Slough does not mean the pick a channel contest is over.  I picked the wrong one, so go some bonus paddling.

Limestone.  On some past trips, I have had to take apart the paddle and push up the last part of the Slough.  Gum Slough is tough on the bottom of the kayak.  Lots of downed logs to skoosh over, and scraping over the limestone at the finish.

The effort is worth it

Pictures taken holding the camera in the water.  The landowners home is on this spring,
 A second spring sometimes can be reached by paddling
I walked the last few yards.
Not to cold for a swim.  Too cold for for a wet, 2-3 hour paddle. It took 2 hours, 45 minutes to get up Slough.

Stated down stream at 11:45

Return to the Withlacoochee, 2:55

No boats on the With, either.  That I saw.  I could hear airboats.

Landed at 3:20
Loaded the yak, and made the short drive to Potts Preserve for a bike ride

Got off the bike at the spot I camped New Years, 2012.   Just one set of campers.  I need to go back here. I requested a site a few weeks ago, did not hear back.  Camping is free, with a reservation.

Other than the campers, who had a trailer, I saw two hikers.  Also saw one car driving out.  Paddling, I had seen a tent. It was gone  Had to be the person in the car.   Too cool and windy, I guess.  For me, it had been a perfect day

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