Sunday, March 3, 2013

Rock Springs Run

Had to open the Tale with the bald eagle.  Only the second time I have seen one on Rock Springs Run. The other as 5 years ago, February, 2008.

Another cool day. Launch time further delayed as I purchased an annual State Parks pass. Now I'm good to the end of March, 2014.  Another delay when the front carry handle strap broke as I wheeled the kayak to the launch.  Not unexpected,  as it was torn more than halfway
On the water at 9:35

It was my kind of morning, cool, only got up to 56 in Orlando, and windy.  I asked a father and son, coming down stream in a kayak loaded with camping gear, if their sleeping bags were warm.  "Yes"
Paddled past the Otter and Indian Mound campsites, both empty.  Just past Indian Mound, 2 canoes with campers, coming from Big Buck.  Which meant it should be empty so I could take a break.

The campers did not mention this deer, which was well hidden.
 While focusing on the first deer, I noticed two more

Saw another deer a few minutes later.

Passing Big Buck campsite, I saw two kayaks. Had to be the first paddlers of the day coming down Run taking a break.  I figured they'd be gone when I came back.

I was going to turn around where the tree canopy closes in again, but two kaykers came down the Run.  So, I kept going up the Run to let them get downstream

Turned around at 12:05

 This is new.  A few years ago  someone, I assume Kings Landing, put up wooden mileage markers.  All are gone.  Decorating a dorm room.  The new signs look like State issue.  Classic State Park brown.  Similar signs have been put up on the Weeki Wachee River.

Arrived at Big Buck just as the people who had been taking a break when I passed on the way up, were leaving.
Walked around, eating a sandwich, then got back in the kayak.  Perfect timing, as a large group was stopping as I headed out.

 I assume "1/2 WAY" means from Kings Landing to the Wekiva Island takeout
Deer were in the same spot
Do deer chew their cud?

 All  3 deer were still in the same spot. 90 minutes after I first saw them

Not sure what this little bird is.  I do know the what the large brown bird, white tale and white tail is that burst out of a tree directly in front of me. Damn! a bald eagle.  Saw it again.  And again, "come on, come on, land"
 It did

I pointed it out to the paddlers who had left Big Buck when I arrived.  I had passed them while they were admiring Indian Mound. I told them it was just the second bald eagle I had seen in over 100 trips on Rock Springs Run.  "Oh we saw one, or maybe this one,  earlier"  "Timing is everything"

 The 6 mile marker. It and 4 were the only ones I saw.  And, the 1/2 Way sign

I slowed down as some folks who had paddled up from Wekiwa Springs seemed to find every sandbar and log as they came back down the Run and up the Wekiva
Another new sign

Found one alligator.  On the log in the lagoon where they are often found.  Landed at 2:40.  Put the cart on the front end of the kayak, remember, the front carry handle had broke.  The back handle broke as I pulled it up the hill.  Got it on the car.  Took a slow drive to Sand Lake, and went for a walk.

Only saw a cardinal during a 90 minute hike.  But, other than in the Sand Lake parking lot, no people. I think  over half the people in the Park this cool day were from out of state.  As evidenced by license plates and shorts.


  1. Deer do chew their cud. I think when we usually see them, they're just rapidly shoving the food in, and then they chew later at leisure.

    The signs are official, the wooden signs were not although they were more attractive. Only those brown signs are allowed in the state park.

    I've never seen an eagle in a tree on RSR but I have seen one soaring high above.

    Still waiting for FOS Swallow-tailed Kite.

  2. Friends,Joanne would know about the signs, as she is a volunteer at Wekiwa Springs State Park.

    I had to think a moment or two on First of Spring. I predict next week after, hopefully, the last cold front pushes through on Weds.
    I also wondered when the kites, and first prothonotary warblers will appear

  3. I saw one Bald Eagle at RSR lagoon once. SO I guess will not happen again in a near future.If my memory does not trick me, saw a juvenile on my the most recent visit there. The Swallow Tailed Kites are in Florida. Saw pics of them at Sanibel Island (Lillian Stokes' blog).

  4. RSR lagoon? The wide area near Kings Landing on Rock Springs Run? Or did you mean WSSP? Wekiwa Springs State Park.

  5. I stand corrected. It was at the State Park lagoon.


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