Sunday, March 17, 2013

Happy Saint Patrick's Day From Cedar Key

  1. At 7 am, a few wispy clouds on the horizon Going to be a spectacular sunrise. 7:30, is what you see above. Made the usual  left over steak and potatoes.  As I combined two cans of Campbell's Chunky chowder  with Cedar Key clams, potato,carrot,onion, garlic and hot sauce. I'll add shrimp later. Sea fog on an island, potatoes, a seafood chowder, I am wearing a kelly green shirt.. Happy Saint Patrick's Day!
    Every faucet that has hot and cold water should have one of these. The fog lifted, and I went to launch the kayak
     A guy watching the black skimmers said, "Make them fly again" That would be wrong.
    They flew on their own.
    Set out a 9:50. The marine forecast was light chop.  Reality was good size waves, white caps when they broke.  So, once again, I paddled to the Number 2 Channel.  Crosswise to the waves, than pushing me.

    Low tide
     The ibis' legs were very orange.  I wondered how they would look in super vivid

     Juvenile blue heron
    Snowy egret\

    Today, I went past the Number 3 Bridge.

    The crabber was tossing bait at the pelicans. To keep them occupied as he pulled up his traps


    No where near the number of white pelicans I saw three weeks ago

    There was a second, larger flock. Far away, and too shallow. I am writing this at 5:40 PM, Sunday. Now would be the time to see those pelicans.  High tide.  But, it is cool, 60.windy, the balcony fan is spinning on its own, and a fine mist is coming down.  So, I opened another beer and put dinner on.  Hope the weather improves, Monday,

    Back under the Number 3 Bridge

    Tide going out, more of the wreck exposed

    Had it been sharper, the black skimmers may have been the lead off photo for this Tale.  The trip from Channel to Beach, in the Gulf, was a bit nerve wracking.  One sideways wave put a little water in the kayak
    Landed at 12:20.

    Soup's on!  1:15.  Had a steak and swiss  on marble rye sandwich, first. And, a Guinness.
     As I prepared for a bike ride, a "Hello, Mr.  Cannon"  from a Park Place employee. This place is better than home.

     I did a different ride than by usual to the State Museum and or airport ride.

    Road out of town on Highway 24

     I went to the Number 4 Bridge and fishing pier.  There was a great horned owl on the tree below
    I have never seen a great horned owl, much less obtained a photo.  It flew away while I was talking to the gentleman who pointed it out.  I need to shut up.

    Views from the fishing pier. Which is the old highway

    There is a short boardwalk and shelter

    I think I did get a picture of a great horned owl when I passed the tree again.  That oval shape has to be a juvenile. The guy I spoke to earlier told me two were in the nest.
     Back into town
    The Railroad Trestle Trail

    .06 miles on the old railroad bed

    I got the idea to visit here when I paddled past in the morning.  A cyclist was at the end of the trail, I assume like me, he walked.  Biking is neither allowed nor practical in the loose, sandy, soil.

    The Nature's Landing Trail, also on the railroad bed, is across the channel. 

    The trail is full of informative signs

     Back on the bike

    Plenty of Florida vernacular architecture off the main road.

    I have posted many photos of the old Number  Bridge from the water, but never saw the roadbed close up.  Until now. 
     Indecision Point

    Back to 331 a little after four.  Watched the Gang the Couldn't Shoot Straight, aka, Wisconsin, in the Big Ten Final.   I noticed several cars with Wisconsin tags round town. A least 2 at Park Place.  I parked next to one, Friday.  Never met the owner.

    After dinner, chowder, steak, corn on the cob, I went for a stroll.

    I could not have said it better myself
     Some one finally removed the askew railing on the faux lighthouse at the Seabreeze.  Or, it fell to the street. Or Gulf.
    This flows out of the Marina basin.  Could I paddle under Dock Street, tie permitting?
    No, the outlet is a round, metal culvert.

    This is not the railing
     Dock from the Gulf Side Motel.  Dashed against the Marina bridge

    I hoped the thick clouds would part for sunset.. They did not

    Oh well  I need the exercise.

    And, I love the scenery

    The Handheld Night Scene function of the camera worked well at 7:50 PM.  First photo was at 7:22 AM.  That's a full day.


  1. I saw the Great Horned Owl baby, thanks to you, but I never saw the parents. Not yet, anyway.
    Also never saw my favorite paddling buddy that I have never (still) paddled with!

  2. Well, I did say I'd be at City Park Beach at 11 on Monday. I was. Where was you?

    I did not see a blue and white kayak on the water as I paddled to, and around Astena Otie. And kept paddling for a couple hours after that.


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