Saturday, March 16, 2013

Wacasassa, Wekiva, and Cedar Key

Cedar Key may have the "Honeymoon Cottage", but the Levy County Wekiva River has the "Bachelor Pad".
I am in my favorite pad at Park Place in Cedar Key. Room 331. To my surprise and delight.  It was already booked when I made my reservation on Christmas Day.Upon my arrival today, I was told that there was a cancellation, so they put me in "your favorite room"  "Which one is that?" "The one with hardwood floors."  "And a dishwasher and oven." I said.

And new since my last visit, laptop height table and chairs on the balcony as I write this at 4:00 PM.
Almost 12 hours since I rolled out of bed at 4:20 AM

A deer crossed the road about a mile before I reached the end of Levy County Highway 326 and the boat ramp on the Wacasassa River.  I launched at 7:30.

Steam rising off the Wacassasa. I guessing the air temperature was 48-52. I may check later. When I am not  peeling and eating shrimp as I type.
Wekiva, right, Wacasassa left. As usual, I headed up the Wekiva.

Saw my first swallowtail kite of the season. It was too fast for my camera, flying out of  the frame.

A sensible person may have worn long pants.  I did have a long sleeved shirt and windbreaker on.

Turned back at 8:48. I had scraped over one log, the second, I decided I had gone far enough

I saw a great blue heron and a cormorant, but each time I would try to get a pic they flew away

 The confluence
Up the Wacasassa

 Turned around at 10:18

Landed at 11:07. Put the kayak on the car, 30 miles to Cedar Key, stopped at Robinson's Seafood for shrimp. and clams, checked in at Park Place. The room was not ready, so I wheeled the kayak across the street and was on the Gulf at 12:34

Black skimmers on the sand bar at the entrance to the Number 2 Channel

Turned back short of the Number 3 Bridge


You can't tell from the photos, but the water was browner than I have ever seen it.  The Suwannee River flood waters are flowing into the Gulf north of Cedar Key.

Landed at 2:38. Thirty minutes later, I had put away the items that needed to be put away,i.e. Guinness in the fridg, and was ready to relax.

The view
 The new, laptop height, table and chairs.  The other table and chairs are still on the balcony. Plenty of room
I booked this weekend, way back on Christmas Day, as it is the first full weekend of daylight savings.  So, after dinner (steak, baked potato, corn on the cob), I was back in the kayak

I hoped to catch sunset over the Gulf, but wind blown waves were a foot to two feet, and it looked like I'd have to go a long way to get a view.  So, I turned back.

 Maybe I'd find spoonbills in, or near the Number 2 Channel
My  depth gauge showed it was to shallow to go to the spoonbill hangout
 Settled for black skimmers

 Above two were taken with the super vivid setting.  Below, auto.  That darn spot is driving me nuts.

I did not see any dolphins today, or during my last visit, three weeks ago, Hopefully, that drought will end tomorrow.

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