Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Lakes Maitland,Nina and Minnehaha

Underway at 8:50
Saw a head in the osprey nest. Must have ducked when I took the picture.  No photos as I  headed into the canal.  Missed a couple anhingas.
A new sign at the Horatio Ave. Bridge
 The bridge has two lane. The sign is at the narrow one

 9:40, first anhinga pic. 50 minutes into the paddle. Has to be a record for longest on these Lakes without one.

 The "two lane" bridge.
The covered bridge

Green heron pad on Lake Nina

Dog Island, Lake Maitland

The alligator is back! This was at what I called the Jetson house. For its Space Age look.  Well some Daddy      
Warbucks bought the house, tore it down, and removed the alligator.  Built a big ugly place.  Which, turns out must be just the garage or slaves, I mean servants quarters.  The main house is a monstrosity.  I think it has been in the building process over three years.  At least they put the alligator back.

Landed at 10:50.   I need to report that on my arrival, the paddle boarders pickup truck was parked in the parking lot. Where it should be.  Instead of on the grass, near the ramp, behind where the truck with boat trailer is.  Wonder if they got a ticket, or were shamed by comments on Dave's Yak Tales.


  1. Wow! Cool i've been across all of winterpark's chain of lakes. but much faster with a friend with a throttle hand going 40 mph on a 10 foot john boat!

    (talk about a crazy day)

  2. Awesome dude I've been there and but much faster on a 40 mph john boat!


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