Sunday, April 7, 2013

Rock Springs Run, Wekiwa Springs State Park

Giving the Park equal billing today as I biked, hiked, and snorkeled after kayaking.  For some reason, my arms and legs are sore.

On the water at 9:15.  I think there has been one time since last February, February 2012, that is, that I did not see at least on small alligator on this log.

Juvenile blue heron
 Wekiva River

Green heron
Turtle on Rock Springs Run

Limpkins.  I wonder where the chicks are.  Well hidden, it would appear.
 Blue heron

There were two deer in the above scene. If you click the pic to blow it up, you might see ones hindquarters between the saplings

Juvenile ibis

Blue heron
Great blue heron says nyah, nyah

 The young blue heron marks my turn around spot. Up Run from Big Buck where the tree canopy closes in.

Two of the three campsites were occupied.  Big Buck was empty.  I did not stop,  as I did not want to take the time and have more people on the Run.  It did get busy down stream of Otter Camp
 Back on the Wekiva

Only turtles on the gator log when I got back at 12:50
I stopped half way up the hill and ate lunch
 Broad head skink, I think.  Finished my sandwich, and fig newton.   Had the strength to finish the up hill portage
On the bike

Off the bike, hoping to see deer besides on the monument.  I took me some time to find the start of the trail that goes from Sand Lake to Rock Springs  Run.  I walked around the Lake, and on the mail hiking trail, before finding it.

Mill Creek

 Fence lizard
Bench with a view.

Big Buck landing

I had to sit down for a while after my 3.5-4 mile walk
 Two plus mile bike ride back to the car

 No deer. Or bears

After all the activity, the spring felt very good.


  1. I did Wekiva Springs & Rock Springs Run yesterday. There were 3 gators on that log in the lagoon... I saw 13 in all from the State Park launch to Otter Camp, and back.

  2. How was the water level? I was at Wekiva a few months back and the levels were extremely low, especially on the way to Rock Springs. The wild life was beautiful, as always.

  3. Robbie, 13 gators, not bad. I only saw 5 or 6.

    Wendy, the water level is about the same as it was when you were there in Feb (I peaked at your blog). But, the summer thunderstorm and hurricane season is almost here


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