Saturday, April 6, 2013

Wekiva River and Blackwater Creek

And State Highway 46.  I like to think I may have helped save this bear.  One of the biggest I have ever seen.  I pulled over, put  the flashers on.  So I would not get hit, but I thought, it should alert people to the bear, too.
It seemed like it wanted to cross the road, but, seeing the traffic, it took a few steps back.  It then walked back towards the road.  As did I, waving and pointing to the first car coming westbound   It slowed down.  As did traffic behind it  East bound, a car pulled over, and put its flashers on. The bear ran across the highway
I was coming from Katie's Landing.  Worked in the morning, on the Wekiva River at 1:00
Down River
Great blue heron

 Blue heron
 Wood duck.  Paddling into the wind, I was able to get a little closer than I would have if the wind was blowing my stink towards the fowl


 I was expecting more alligators on this mid 70's degree day.  I think I saw one besides this.   Maybe the motor boats kept them out of sight  3 or 4, all moving slowly.

The Weikva is low.  Above is the usual picture of the mouth of Blackwater Creek.  I usually don't see the roots.

Up Creek.

 Wood stork

 I saw several big gators.  All quickly moved from bank to water.  Which is how small gators get to be big gators
Turned back at 3:30.  I am balanced on a log in the above photo

 Took a short break at the usual spot

I was able to catch this gator as it entered the Creek.  A moment or two later, an alligator as broad as my kayak floated in the narrow Creek.  I came closer, would I get a picture?, closer, swerve, spin, splash, swim.  The gator, not me.  Diving and turning to get away from me.  No picture

Another alligator appeared to misjudge its jump into the Creek. Had to do a second hop after the first jump did not quite make it to the water.  Must be used to the Creek being closer to the bank.
 A rare gator that did not move
Back to the Wekiva
Tri colored heron

The above photo would have received top honors if not for the bear.

No other paddlers.  Too many motor boats for my taste 8-10.
 Red shouldered hawk

Limpkin.   Now with laser beak!
Landed at 6:50
 I despise selfish, stupid people.
Went for a walk

 A short walk, as the sun was setting..25 minutes.  Hoped to see deer as dusk approached.   Just an armadillo.  And this bird.

 Back in the parking area, a new kiosk.  There is also one near the River

I had heard that there is a midden at Katie's Landing, but never saw anything official.  Until now.  I like how the lower area will no be paved so spirits can come and go. I still do not know if the most obvious mound on the property is a midden, or a septic mound from the RV park days.   My first visit to Katie's was in 2005, after the RV park and rental operation was gone, and before the State began "improvements"

I left, driving slowly on Wekiva Park Road, camera ready.  Prime time for deer.  Not tonight.  Oh well.  On to Highway 46.  Where, about 2 miles east of the River, I saw the bear.  Nice way to end the day.


  1. You do not have to be in the kayak but have to go kayaking...Is not that true Master Dave?

  2. Yes it is. At least to see bears.


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