Sunday, May 12, 2013

Cudjoe Key

  First time I've seen spoonbills in the Florida Keys. And  I've been coming here since 1979. With a 10 year break from 1979 to 1988.
Cudjoe Key is where my sister and hr family lived from 1979 to 1996.  I may have jogged or biked on Blimp Road, but never entered the water from the ramp at the end of the road.  No need. My then brother in law had a boat on the canal at the house.

Driving on Blimp Road, I was surprised to see deer crossing signs. No actual deer on th 1.5 mile drive from  US 1 to the water

  Underway at 9:20. Went left, south, from the ramp

Blimp Road is named so because Fat Albert is based there.  It was windy, so I thought it was not aloft.  Until I paddled past the base and thought, either that line is defying gravity, or..../ It was directly overhead.  Sun in my eyes, so I did not take a picture..

My first Florida Keys roseate spoonbill.  I had just seen an ibis, and thought, "where there are ibis, there may be spoonbills"

 Shark. Little one.  Thought it was a ray at first.  Saw one of those earlier.  The ray shot off when, I got close.  The shark, though little,  had a bad ass shark attitude, swimming just in front of me.

This island is just off the ramp

The key was full of pigeons, cormorants, and reddish egrets

Landed at 12:25. A very enjoyable paddle exploring the little bays, mangrove islets and short creeks on the bay side of  Cudjoe Key.

The drive out to US 1

On US 1, headed to Monica's.  After a stop a Publix for chips and beer for the Mother's Day picnic at Fort Zak.
 Arlo.  Not bad being where the Gulf of Mexico meets the Atlantic Ocean
Phin and his Mom, Camila
 Sergeant majors and mangrove snapper

Olivia and her Mom, Elena, and her Mom, Monica, whose Mom, Delphine, was at the South Shore Yacht Club in Milwaukee.
 Olivia is going to be a kite boarder, just like her Dad, Aaron
She is very good at walking on his back.  I'm not so good at getting the picture.
 "Ocean liner!" shouted Phineas.
Uncle Aaron is more fun

 Olivia puts on a lei made by Pa Pa Bill
Fits two lovely ladies.

We had a feast.  Homemade salsa with fresh mango, homemade cole slaw, rice and beans, fruit salad, a  tasty red potato dish, and the dolphin that Arlo, Evan, and their friend Chris caught on Friday. Don't know if Chris used his share of the catch at his  restaurant.  Evan drizzled cooking wine and sprinkled salt and pepper on the filets before grilling.  Tasty with his green, Thai inspired, sauce.

Sunset time
Who is this?
 Ashley and Arlo
Monica and Bill

 Verification of the Sergeant Major

 John, Camila's Dad, Monica, Betty, Camila's Mom, Camila, Stella, Evan, Arlo, Phin, held by Ashley, and Bill
Evan and I traded places

 Phin wanted to throw more rocks, but the rangers said it was time to go.
Grammy Monica's kiwi blocks.  Ready for Olivia to knock down and place in a circle on the table on her next visit

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