Sunday, May 12, 2013

No Name Key, Schooner Hindu,Mangia Mangia

Sunset sail on the Schooner Hindu

 Crossing the Seven Mile Bridge, 12:30

 Bahia Honda Bridge.

Saw on Key deer on Big Pine Key as I drove to No Name Key.  On the water at 1:15
Windy, I paddled into it. Figured if I circumnavigated the Ky it would be at my back half the time.
 Black necked stilt.  And flotsam.


Great white heron

 One of several wrecks
Saw a four foot shark in one of the bays on the south side of No Name Key

 Very short creek

 Jelly fish,  I thought coral or plant. My sister corrected me.

As the put in is at the other end of the Key from the bridge connecting Big Pine Key to No Name Key, I figure it is half way

Great white heron. Saw, but no photos of a magnificent frigate bird

As I had  spotted any deer from the kayak I paddled past the landing to look for some. Nothing doing.
Back to shore, 4:25
 Saw a couple deer while loading, more on the drive out, including this one

 Across the Bogie Channel to Big Pine Key, and more deer.

Back on U.S. 1, headed to Key West
Arrived at my sister Monica's house. Quick shower, than off to Bill Rowan's house. To park Monica's mini and walk to the Hindu

 Its good to have a friend with a ship

A ship that the Rowan family and friends put substantial money, time, and hard work into restoring.

Party barge
 I helped hoist the sails. I was motivated.  Captain Josh Rowan said the quicker the sails got up, the sooner we could have a beer.  Or wine, for those who prefer it.

I've been on Mallory Square, taking photos of sailing vessels. Nice to do the opposite.

There are several  sailing ships in Key West.  I was spoiled, getting a free cruise that costs $85.00.  But, the paying customers seemed to enjoy it as much as I. 

 The helmsman is a passenger from Holland who sails the North Sea.   I assume he and his companion paid full fare.  Raised the sails, piloted the ship, in other words, worked, and has a smile on his face.
 Mixed  marriage. She, from Chicago, Bears fan.  He, from Fond du Lac, Packers.

 Monica and Bill
facebook vidr  Sorry about the start

 Captain Josh back at the wheel to take us to the harbor

 I checked out the area below.  The berths will be needed in a week or so as the Hindu sails up the Atlantic coast, the the Hudson River, Eire Canal, Lake Eire, Lake Huron, Lake Michigan. She'll be participating in Tall Ships activity in Chicago and Green Bay

 They left a light on for us

At the dock, in front of the Schooner Wharf    Back in my running days, I won my age group in the Schooner Wharf 8k 2, or maybe three years in a row.  Will have to look at the trophy case when I get home.  5-20-13 update.  Just looked at the plaques.  1st place, Age 40-44, 2000, 2001, 2002.  Second place 2003.  Not bad for someone with no athletic ability.
 Dinner at Mangia Mangia  My niece, Elena was working.  A brief thought of getting mahi, but then recalled seeing this photo, Friday
Nephews Arlo and Evan, and their friend, Chris, had a good day on the water, Friday.  I took the chance I would be eating dolphin, Sunday, and ordered the Bollito Misto di Mare.  Very good.

One blemish to the meal.  Someone neglected to charge us for appetizers. An early Mothers Day gift.

So ends day one of a three day Key West Weekend.

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Well, I tried to allow Anonymous postngs. As soon as I did, I had the same problem with the same person/spammer posting comments. One jerk spoils it for all. So,you'll need to register to post a comment.