Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Lakes Maitland, Nina, and MInnehaha

Underway at 9:08

After too many osprey nests to count, Sunday, on Lake Norris, the Lake Maitland nest.  At least the nest on the west end of the Lake.

Into the canal

Lake Minnehaha

Saw more turtles than usual on these lakes.

 Green heron on Lake Nina

 Great egret finds a bite

Landed just before 11.  First paddle in the newly patched kayak.  Stayed dry. It should, for a hundred fifty bucks.   Favorite paddle is still taking in water.  I only taped one blade-shaft connection, it would appear water comes in both ends.
Salt water will be coming in Saturday.  Wherever I stop on my way to Key West for a 3 day weekend.


  1. The Big Red Yak is back!!!! Did you take it to the place in Altamonte Springs?

  2. Yes. The repair guy said it took him 6 hours, charged me for 3.


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