Saturday, May 4, 2013

Econlockhatchee River

I had not kayaked the Econlockhatchee River since October.  That was the lower section.launching from C.S. Lee Park on the St. Johns River.  I had not paddled the section between 419 and Snow Hill Road since December, 2011.  So many places to paddle, so little time.
 I had to work this morning, so did not get on the water until 12:47.  Launched at Snow Hill Road and began paddling up River.  As I expected, the Econ was fairly high and swift.  A lot of rain has fallen recently, including this morning.  Including on the drive to the launch site.  No rain as I began paddling.

I missed a great egret just before the above great blue heron.  I mention it as I did not see, or photo, many birds.

Maybe the alligators ate all the birds.

 I was just kidding about the alligators eating all the birds. I'm sure they do eat some.  For some reason, the Econ does not have as many birds as other places I paddle, ever gator heavy rivers like the Hillsborough and Myakka Rivers.
What the Econ does have, is bald eagles.  I hoped to see one.

An eagle nest is visible from the River, if you know where to look.  I look in the wrong spot on about half my visits to the Econ.   Like today.  But there is nothing wrong with additional exploring.

The above view is my turn around point.  3:38.

 Eagle's nest.  No eagles.

 Vulture.  Had to post a bird besides great blue herons. Saw wood ducks.  A couple times.  Flew away

 A flash of red amongst all the green

Sky cleared, and the sun came out.  I did not bring sunscreen.  I had put plenty on my face and arms before I left.  Did not put any on my legs.  The number one yak is in the shop, getting patched.  It covers my legs.  The back up covers the lower legs.  So, the insides of my calves and knees are a little red.
 I tried to touch the bridge with my hand.  "You've got about an inch" came a voice from the bank.  There have been times I have not been able to touch the bridge with an extended paddle.  Other times, I've had to paddle around the bridge, as the River is up to the span. The Econ fluctuates greatly.

 Red shouldered hawk
Snowy egret.  The birds were in an area only paddleable when the Econ is high.  A gap in the bank opens up into a small lake.

A flowery meadow at normal levels.  A fisherman came through the trees. "Wow.  I walked across here a couple days ago"

 Landed at 6:15.  The only bad thing about the trip was the trash in the River.  People suck.  I picked up some on the way down River.  Things I had seen on the way up.  There were other people on the River.  Including what looked like a scout troop. Did not look like anyone picked up anything. I could be wrong, as there is a lot of trash.   The half dozen or so items I picked up hardly made a dent.  But, if everyone picks up 6 pieces of trash.....
My problem was, what to do with it.  No trash bins at Snow Hill Road.   I had a small Taco Bell bag on the front seat.  That took about half the haul.   Found an empty trash bag in the back of the car.  Picked up around the launch, as now I had too much bag.   You're welcome.


  1. Classy as always Master Dave. No one does that anymore (picking up after the others). You are right about the people.

  2. I think we see fewer wading birds on this section of river because the banks drop off rather sharply, so there's not much room to wade.

    Thank you for picking up after others. You are right, if everyone who paddled picked up 6 pieces of trash, or even one....

    BTW, I was home yesterday and would have happily given you a shuttle so you could have paddled from 419 to Snow Hill. I rarely paddle on weekends unless I'm working at the park, so keep that in mind. You, too, Luis.

  3. I think you are right, Joanne. Thanks for the offer. I'm off to Lake Norris.

  4. Great shots, Dave! I pick up trash when I see it, too (pisses me off). Lots of gators out!


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