Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Rock Springs Run

Paddled between the rain showers, and rain drops, this afternoon.  Raining hard as I drove from work, on the east end of Orlando, and on through downtown.  No rain when I arrived at Wekiwa Springs State Park, but a storm had passed through.  Wet ground and small branches on the ground.
 Underway at 2:20.   The gators on the log in the lagoon are growing up.
This could be mom. Above.

12 minutes on the Wekiva, 9 alligators.
 To Rock Springs Run
Rain returned.  Not very hard.

Snapping turtle snapping on a lily pad

After having three deer run away from me along Blackwater Creek this past weekend,  it was nice to have one stick around for awhile.  RSR deer are used to people.  It can get busy on weekends.  Not today.  I saw paddlers on the Wekiva, coming back as the rain came, and about 5, in two groups, early on as I paddled up Rock Springs Run.

Turned around at 4:40.

Ended up paddling over the above alligator

It rained again. Hardest of the afternoon, but did not last long.

Back on the Wekiva

Juvenile black crowned night heron

Landed at 7:10
 Gator pic from the canoe beach
 Pause on the way up the hill to take a spring pic
On weekdays, I cart the yak up the boardwalk.  Easier then the dirt hill.  On a weekend, it with people going up and down, it would be rude.

My paddle is leaking.  Water must be coming in where the blade meets the shaft.  I'll have to start using one of my other paddles.  Which are heavier. Or were.  Maybe water logged paddles are why my arms are tired.            On top of being on the water for almost 5 hours.


  1. Beautiful, Dave! I haven't checked your archives but what do you know about kayaking on Secret Lake?

  2. The Lake and Park in Casselberry?
    Nothing. I visited it several times years ago on my bike. Just checked the website. Nothing about paddling. But, I suppose you could just find a spot to launch and go out.

  3. They have kayak rentals Mon-Thurs. You have to make an advanced reservation if you want to use one of their boats over the weekend. If you have your own you can launch from the park for free. I was more curious about the waters.

  4. Secret Lake Park is where you launch, and there are three small connected lakes to paddle. There is a good bit of undeveloped shoreline thanks to the golf course, and birding is good. It would take, at most, about an hour to go around the shoreline of all three.

    It is a great place to take a beginner.

    Travel Country Outdoors does kayak and SUP demoes there on Saturday mornings.


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