Sunday, June 2, 2013

Caladesi and Honeymoon Island State Parks

Tour of the Palm Court Motel grounds.

I walked to the Sound

Across one canal

And another. Six blocks from motel to water.
Had to go to the next lot to get the view
I hate selfish people. If you are on the water, why build a three story house?  Blocking the view of your neighbors across the street.  What a prick.

The plaque commemorates a United States Marine Corp training site during WWII
Pinellas County Ord 1.  All motels must have shuffleboard.
Breakfast.  Having forgot butter, I reheated the usual leftovers in the microwave.  There is a convenience store next door, it only had one pound packages.
Checked out, and launched from the Dunedin Causeway at 10:00. Destination, Caladesi Island
A short paddle to the north tip of the island.  I paddled south, along the shore.

Or, as close to shore as I good get in the shallow water.  Shallow, but not low tide.

 Why is the ferry from Honeymoon Island State Park to Caladesi State Park allowed to ignore the Slow Speed, Minimum Wake, and Idle Speed, No Wake limits in the channel?

It should set the example, not break the law.  I witnessed this on Sunday, June 2, 2013.  Ferries coming, and going.  ....sent to both the Park and the ferry operator

 Kayak dock at 11:30.  60 percent chance of rain, starting at 2.  If I spent time on land, I might be in the open water when it hit, so I stayed in the kayak. Thought of paddling the mangrove trail, but a couple in a electric powered canoe entered, so I padded out of the channel.

 Able to get a flying osprey, but not a magnificent frigate bird

 No ICM pretty far out from Caladesi, but once out of the sea grass protection area, boats and jet skis speed back and forth.  I think a slow speed zone at the kayak concession would be a good thing.  But, it will take a tragedy for that to happen

Landed at 12:40
 Drove to Honeymoon Island State Park.  Plan was to have a beer and eat my lunch at the Honeymoon Cafe.  I asked it they still had the local Dunedin Brewery Ale.  A young worker gave a puzzled look.  A more experienced employee said they have not had it for years.  I should have known. From a November, 2004 email,  after a biking and running visit to several spots in the Tampa area,  I wrote, "Unfortunately, they no longer have the local Dunedin Brewery Ale."   And now, there are signs saying no outside food or drink.  I saw a covered shelter, occupied.  A second concession, at the other end of a vast parking lot.  Also, the no outside food and drink prohibition.
 But, it had picnic tables below the building.
 Shade, and a view. Just what I needed.  Enjoyed my steak sandwich. Next stop, north end of the Island and the Osprey Trail

 How did  a mallard get here?  Attracted by puddles left from Saturday's rain.

A short walk, as I was wearing sandals.  Sandals that I know if I walk in them too long, and get dirt and sand in them, I may lose some skin on the top of my toes.

 Andy Capp had to leave his racing pigeon
 Fiddler crabs
The north beach is rocky.  I knew they were not natural, wondered how they got there.  My thinking was, put down after a tropical storm to protect the beach.  I asked later, at the Visitor Center.  The volunteer did not know.  This site    states they are from a 1960's development scheme.

 More fiddler crabs. There were thousands.

Cove. Not much at low tide.  Can get very big at high tide. I have padded here, from the Causeway.  A long paddle, and a long walk from the nearest parking area.

I like the sun protection at the playground.  If I were a parent, I would really like the shaded benches.
 I wondered what this impressive structure was

 Nice views
It is a restroom.  I was told the changing house used to be just off the beach, but a storm tore it apart.  This is well back, and high above the potential storm surge.  Which provides scenic vistas.
 Try to ignore the parking lots

Back to sea level

Next stop, the Visitor Center  I do not think I have been here before.  But, this was my first land based visit to Honeymoon Island since November, 2004.

Low tide
 Short trail

 View from a rocking chair.  Wire instead of thicker rails for a better view from your seat
The Visitor Center has nice exhibits.  And air conditioning.  A white board with birds seen today.  Roseate spoonbill listed.  Where, I asked.  On the oyster flats at the AM low tide.
Back to the car, took the sandals off. Something I should have done 90 minutes ago.  I have a half inch scar on the left index toe as a souvenir of the weekend.  Left at 3:45.  No rain, at least when I was in the area.

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